Inter-City Studios (Stockport)
Sent in by Peter Wadsworth:
Inter-City Studios, formed in 1967, was located above the Nield and Hardy Record store in the centre of Stockport and amongst those involved were Pauline Renshaw, Ray Teret and Peter Tattersall. Eventually, Eric Stewart (of the Mindbenders) was brought in and he and Tattersall took over Inter-City (with financial input from local songwriter Graham Gouldman and the Kennedy Street management company), gave the Studio a new name (Strawberry Recording Studios) and a new home (in Waterloo Road) after being told that they posed a fire-risk to the historic black and white timbered building next door to Nield and Hardy’s. Inter-City was a very basic studio (Tattersall later described the walls lined with egg boxes) and it was mainly used to record demos for local artists who did not want to travel to London.