Was collecting disco and jazz funk 12's in the mid '70s whilst at school.
Began djing in Sheffield; Punk and Funk Parties in a Basement '78 and '79.
Promoter and DJ in Sheffield 1979-1988
Was a career DJ 1982-84
Promoted and DJ for A Certain Ratio, and Quango Quango (Mike Pickering) at Sheffield City Hall.
Hacienda Saturday Night Resident for Months 7 - 24 approx, was dj for the following Hacienda gigs:
Madonna live Tube special, (she danced with her younger brother for 4 tunes of the first album), Change, Whodini, Sharron Redd, Marcel King...
Best Moment; Dropping 'Groove Me" by King Floyd at the Gallery one Friday at Groovers Gallery Manchester, greatly assisted by the full base of the Soul Control Sound System a rewind, and the older clientele banging bottles... (Submitted 25.07.07. More to follow...)