Band / Artist
Submitted by Adam James
Five men of terrifying talent and tenacity. Carving their reputation deep in to the boards of Britain 's entertainment venues.
After another six month spate of gigging- everywhere from Tottington to Islington (leaning left to avoid Burnley) - the 'sands make light work of heavy truths; coolly tearing pieces off their recurring dreams for public consumption. Woody Guthrie would be proud.
And now this - the EP! Eleven months since their first, self-titled recording - a fresh piece of meat for your entreating ear…
A credit to the band's own brand of sweaty dedication and the delicate touch of Joe Gibb at Mighty Atom Studios Swansea (Janes Addiction, Funeral for a Friend, Leftfield); this record releases a frothing wave of spontaneous energy and bloody-minded passion, stretching your speakers wide like the mighty roar of a live recording. The product of passion so intense as to be humbling, words just don't come close to describing yada yada yada - shit,'re just going to have to listen to it! After all, there're no substitutes for your own senses.
Be one of the first to experience this menacing mix of truth, sex and satire - your support will help realise those recurring dreams, by realistic means.