We've added some new features to the website recently, which we hope you'll enjoy.
You can now embed YouTube clips as artefacts, so get hunting for some great Manchester music moments to add. The more obscure the better!
Lots of you have already been busy with the new 'like' button. You can click to see our 'most liked' artefact at the top of the home page.
We've added buttons that allow you to share artefacts on Facebook, Twitter and Stumble Upon. Please share as much stuff with your online friends as possible and help to spread the word about the Archive.
You can now 'follow' your favourite bands and venues by clicking to receive e-mail alerts when new artefacts relating to them are added. Just do a search for whichever bands/venues you want to follow and then click the link underneath their name in the right hand column. This feature is designed to help you to stay informed about items that are of particular interest to you.
Finally, you can alter your email address, password or username by clicking 'update account' in the left hand navigator above 'log out'.
These features are brand new, so please let us know if you have any problems using them..