(A miniature bottle of bourbon given out at the first Homo Electric, taken from www.mdmarchive.co.uk)
The eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed that the MDMArchive site went down recently for almost a week. This was due to a 'security breach' at our hosting company. Unfortunately, we just had to sit tight and wait for them to sort it out.
We are now relieved to announce that everything is back to normal, so please take a look at the fascinating artefacts that have been uploaded recently, and upload some of your own!
We are still keen to get more and more MDMArchive members contributing their scans and memories to the site. As well as badges, t-shirts and press cuttings, etc, from days gone by, we feel there are many contemporary flyers and posters seen around town that deserve to be archived. Do you play in a band now, or do you run a night? Why not scan in your flyers and posters, and record your experiences?
We’d also particularly like to hear from people who have material relating to Manchester’s gay club scene from
1960 –2007. Share your memories on the site or email us at: info@mdmarchive.co.uk.
Many thanks to all those who attended last week’s premiere of ‘Joy Division’ the documentary. The showing was a great success and included a highly entertaining Q and A session from Peter Hook and Steve Morris, who revealed their potential as a comedy duo, should the New Order split prove to be permanent.
Thanks again for supporting Manchester District Music Archive.
Spread the word!
The MDMArchive team