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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 64 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Joined 14th April 2020


Simon Turner

Latest Discussion

“Just to say that after all the recent activity regarding long lost Coping With Kevin recordings (#TheKevTapes ) we have now reached an aural summit of 35 single songs and approx 10 session length tracks on YouTube. Thanks and congrats to all concerned.
02 May 2020
“I've sent you an email Dave”
16 Apr 2020
“Look forward to hearing from you Dave. Take care”
16 Apr 2020
“Is it possible to ask Davely68, the drummer in this conversation to contact me please regarding writing a biography of Coping with Kevin? You may pass him my details if you wish. Thanks a lot”
15 Apr 2020
“Big thanks to Martin Ryan for sending me the Kev MP3's. Top man.”
15 Apr 2020
“Hi again Martin. That would be absolutely magnificent. Happy to Pay mate. How do you want to contact me for my email? I'm on Facebook by the way. Cheers”
14 Apr 2020
“Hi again Martin. That would be absolutely magnificent. Happy to Pay mate. How do you want to contact me for my email? I'm on Facebook by the way. Cheers”
14 Apr 2020
“Hi Martin. Hope you are well. Currently on a journey to find any Coping with Kevin digitised songs. Very happy to pay for it. I saw the band live, knew 2/3 its members and used to have a double sided cassette full of absolute quality songs. Can you help. Cheers”
14 Apr 2020

Places added

Key 103, Manchester 7 items