“yes Tony the underground market, that brings back memories of Bowie bootleg tapes and Tukka boots. Aladdins cave, I think Alison worked there for a bit. I also recall a Tiswas night at Pips, with a cage and very smelly fish and lots of foam.”
“Yes Sue thats me and I think I remember you! Last heard from Cathy about 4 years ago. I vaguely remember someone called Annette as well, not sure who she went round with.”
“Yes that's Alison I was her quiet, invisible sidekick, tall, long dark hair, I talked to Bennett and Tony Mc more than you, but you do stick in my mind as I remember Bennett telling me how you got your name. If you want to chat more I am on Myspace (www.myspace.com/flutternutter), that goes for anyone on here who remembers me.”
“One thing I loved about Pips was the fact you could get chips and a burger while in there, either between the commercial and roxy room or near the sixies room. I loved the fact that you could go to another room if bored with the music. Anyone remember a TISWAS night that was held there, I remember getting pelted with fish, loads of fun!”