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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 57 new artefacts, 13 new members, 4 new people and places.


Joined 1st January 2008



Latest Discussion

“I agree Greg in fact our lovely daughter would not be here had it not been for Pips. Great club, brilliant people, good memories.”
05 Nov 2014
“My maiden name was McBride u almost got it right lol. Married and Divorced Greg, Mikki's brother. Hope all's well with you.”
18 Oct 2009
“yes Tony the underground market, that brings back memories of Bowie bootleg tapes and Tukka boots. Aladdins cave, I think Alison worked there for a bit. I also recall a Tiswas night at Pips, with a cage and very smelly fish and lots of foam.”
17 Jul 2008
“Yes Sue thats me and I think I remember you! Last heard from Cathy about 4 years ago. I vaguely remember someone called Annette as well, not sure who she went round with.”
25 Jun 2008
“Yes that's Alison I was her quiet, invisible sidekick, tall, long dark hair, I talked to Bennett and Tony Mc more than you, but you do stick in my mind as I remember Bennett telling me how you got your name. If you want to chat more I am on Myspace (, that goes for anyone on here who remembers me.”
19 Feb 2008
“Resolve hun, I remember you well, we had some great nights didn't we, scarily most of mine were sober lol!”
18 Feb 2008
“One thing I loved about Pips was the fact you could get chips and a burger while in there, either between the commercial and roxy room or near the sixies room. I loved the fact that you could go to another room if bored with the music. Anyone remember a TISWAS night that was held there, I remember getting pelted with fish, loads of fun!”
28 Jan 2008
“thanks Graham, he was my brother-in-law many years ago, its been ages since I thought of the band.”
28 Nov 2007
“Wasn't Kirk Podmore in Ram Ram Kino or am I thinking of something else?”
28 Nov 2007
“I remember when joining Pips getting a choice of free single, I chose a Bowie one, DJ I think.”
27 Nov 2007