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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 57 new artefacts, 13 new members, 4 new people and places.


Joined 1st January 2008



Latest Discussion

“I have a copy of this although I know nothing about it.”
03 Jul 2023
“I heard Nirvana played Boardwalk.”
28 Jun 2023
“I swear I was there.”
18 Nov 2022
“I here that this poster is questionable and in fact was never actually used to promote the gig but printed a while after the event. I own a copy that I found on eBay about ten years ago.”
18 Nov 2022
“Music for the deaf opened for The Happy Mondays at Middleton Civic Hall in 85. They had a parody song called You have the right to fight at parties!”
18 Nov 2022
“This is where it all began.....”
22 Feb 2011
“The Reducers first single Things go wrong/We are Normal is far better and much harder to find. The lovely blonde ladies record shop in Blackpool as gone now I went to have a look last year and it was gone I was gutted.”
19 Jul 2010
“This guy is Tony (AKA Tojo) and he did Dj with Alan Maskel he was also in a band called Pressure he played bass. Johnny Marr (AKA Johnny X Clothes) did work in X clothes before The Smiths he was on a Granada TV show called Devils Advocate once and told the audience that he was going to be a famous guitar player one day how right he was.”
19 Jul 2010
“I knew Sacky back then he was a lovely lad I used to shave his Mohican. I was lucky enough to get hold of a copy of the record recently for a few quid.”
01 Nov 2009
“I have a mp3 file of Pop Star if anyone would like me to email it to them....”
05 Aug 2009

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The Point 0 items