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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 64 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Joined 3rd September 2018



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“Frank can be contacted here...”
19 Nov 2019
“….Of an old Morris 1100 Estate on a freezing cold day when the snow was falling and snake pass had been closed - we still used it to get back to Salford!

We also did quite a bit of Foley work for Cosgrove Hall in Chorlton - Danger Mouse and Chorlton and the Wheelies etc..

Both brothers are now involved in Video production and regularly work together - Ironically we recently did a project for Salford Lads Club - round the corner from where we grew up on Huddart St - Frank works at TVA in Salford and Danny at Handel Productions in Stockport”
03 Sep 2018
“There were actually 2 locations for Twilight Sound Studios -
the first was in the basement of 57 Alpha St Salford where the Smiths and Ken Dodd recorded Demo's
- The Second was where this pic was taken at the Old Adelphi School Building - now all rubble - this was where Flag of Convenience and Kevin Kennedy's Band "A Bunch of Thieves" recorded. The Studio was set up and owned by the Brothers Frank and Danny Walsh - Frank was hands on whilst Danny was the silent partner.
Ken Dodd went with his demo's down to London's Abbey Road where he recorded the master album with George Martin producing - when he heard the Demo's, Mr Martin rang Frank to congratulate him on the sound quality he had achieved - not bad eh! We did indeed have a mellotron long since gone now - and also a very first edition of pro tools on an old apple - worth a fortune now but sold for peanuts. The Mixing desk in the pic was previously owned by "The Human League" and came over from Sheffield strapped to the top”
03 Sep 2018