“That pass says 19/03 but that would have been a Sunday night so unlikely to have been open.
If it's from 1990 though it would make it from the Halluçienda night with The Bridewell Taxis”
“Top left, top right and bottom left were in a set that I bought at the Manchester Uni gig in May '89 (around the release of 'Joe').
The 'Move' badge came with 7'' single later that year.”
“Great work with your recent batch of uploads.
I didn't get to see the Wonkies until June that year but I hadn't realised that Steve Pacamac had been a fan before that.
And it's just reminded me to upload their interview with Stuart Maconie from July that year. Cheers.”
If it's from 1990 though it would make it from the Halluçienda night with The Bridewell Taxis”