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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 56 new artefacts, 10 new members, 4 new people and places.


Joined 1st January 2008



Latest Discussion

“I went to Kelly's to see Fast Cars and Sister Ray the night The Clash played Manchester Apollo. The venue was fairly quiet at first, but I recall someone saying it would fill up later when The Clash gig was over, which it did. I was a regular attender at Kelly's that autumn of 1978 but it was the first time I'd seen Fast Cars, and the only time I ever saw Sister Ray. Fast Cars were really energetic on stage, blasting out a brand of power punk pop which was right up my street! They were great! I continue to follow the band's fortunes to this day. Last seeing them at the Spinning Top in Stockport on 4th November 2022. Long Live Fast Cars!”
08 Jan 2024
“I was sat, stood on my seat Row E Seat 1 very near to you that night pavlos. See my ticket stub and six photos of The Damned and T-Rex at the Manchester Apollo on MDMA under curbsfan. Great memories.”
07 Nov 2023
“Hallo Bob, Are you based in Manchester? I shall be there for five days in May 2023. I could bring the Fall tape, so you can copy it, and give it back to me before I leave. Regards, Phil”
02 Feb 2023
“Hi there, You may use the image as the poster belongs to me. But as you say, I didn't design the poster myself. Please keep me posted on the Manchester punk & rock culture Documentary. It sounds great! All the best, Phil”
24 Oct 2022
“Hi Pete! Phil here. Glad you like the pics. I managed to keep all I took. Put them, and other Curbs stuff I had collected, on MDMA for posterity. I always hoped you, Mike and Stuart would find them one day, and like what you see. A Curbs reunion in Manchester would be nice, for old and happy times sake. I put the International Set badge you gave me in 1980, on MDMA too. Recall we went to see the Fast Cars at the Portland Bars with some of the band members, 24th Nov 1980. Last ever gig of the original Fast Cars. I am still based in Berlin. Before the pandemic, I was over fairly often for music and football, and will be again when things normalise. Keep safe and well. All the best, Phil

My email :”
04 Mar 2021
“Hi Mike! Phil here. I am Curbsfan. Hope you, and Stuart are safe and well. Glad you like the Curbs photos, and other stuff I have put on MDMA. I have added more stuff under Curbs. And under Kelly's. I am based in Berlin, been here 37 years. I visit Manchester several times a year. We had some great nights back in 1978/79. All the best, Phil.

My email :”
03 Jan 2021
“Thanks Abigail. Fantastic sound quality too.”
04 Aug 2020
“Regular customer! Knew the bar staff.
Drank there rest of the 70s, into the 80s.
In the 1980s when I was back in Manchester.”
25 Jun 2020
“I recall a Manchester Punk Poet called Alan Jowett twice recited poems from his book Urges at two Curbs gigs. At Kelly's and The Squat in 1978. Any relation of yours Dale? Thanks.”
24 Apr 2020
“Thanks for your comments Dale. I shall add New Mills Town Hall to the list of venues, cheers.”
24 Apr 2020


El Boss 0 items

Bands / Artists added

Alan Jowett 1 item
The Curbs 7 items
Decorum 1 item
Freebass 1 item
International Set 2 items

Places added

Bossa Nova Club, Manchester 1 item
Kelly's, Manchester 6 items
Partington Community Centre, Trafford 3 items
Sticky Fingers Cafe, Manchester 1 item