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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 57 new artefacts, 13 new members, 4 new people and places.


Joined 1st January 2008



Latest Discussion

“This is the gig that my saved gladioli came from.....”
21 Oct 2013
“Nobby & Fran - can you get in touch ? writing book about The Hardrock and would love to hear your recollections cheers Bill”
05 Sep 2013
“The Hardrock did not open until Sept 1972 and according to my research the Bad Company gig is Sunday 14th April 1974 which is one of the only gigs at The Hardrock in 1974 - my book will contain the definitive list (Hi Margaret :) johnmac can you get intouch would love to interview you”
16 Aug 2013
“Yes i was always afraid to go in the old Cross Street Spin Inn but then it moved to the old military tailors shop in Underground Market on Pall Mall - i recall rushing down there to buy a copy of De La Soul's Three Feet High And Rising that Stu Allan had played on sunday night and due to all the sampling issues it was likely to be wasn't but i do still have a nice import copy...THREE IS THE MAGIC NUMBER !”
15 Aug 2013
“Got some adverts of Black Sedan somewhere will have to track them down - that bit of Oxford Rd must have been a great place at this time - wasn't Music Force offices along there too ?”
15 Aug 2013
“Paddy Steer - Yargo fez wearing bassist is still playing plenty of good music - he was drumming for John Stammers last week at The Castle...well to say he was drumming is an understatement - he plays drums, lap steel guitar and bass pedals sometimes all at the same time - plus he does his own DIY synth music ( he builds all his own modulators or what ever you call them ) plays regularly with 808 State on live dates...list goes on”
18 Jun 2012
“I've got a single - Sin Of The Family on parlophone and i'm sure they are credited as "Ivan Meads" - they were from Middleton i believe”
20 Feb 2012
“According to my research T-Rex did not play there - but might have filmed some episodes of Rock on with 45 and Lift Off With Ayshea there - some episodes of Rock on 45 remain in Granda's vaults but no Lift Off ones - all wiped - The neon sign said VILLAGE on certain nights and HARDROCK on others -”
13 May 2009
“Derek has Beatin Rhythm on Tib Street - Top Fella !”
04 Mar 2009
“According to my research FUMBLE were support on one or both of the december gigs apparently handpicked by Bowie himself !
Not even FUMBLE themselves know if they played both the dec ones”
04 Mar 2009

Bands / Artists added

Category B 0 items
The Milk Monitors 1 item
The Rub 1 item