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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 57 new artefacts, 13 new members, 4 new people and places.


Joined 1st January 2008



Latest Discussion

“Ah those great little alcoves in the Roxy/Bowie Room _ I remember one of em had a picture of Bryan Ferry painted on the wall inside - I played a gig there in 1980 and we set up in that little alcove - we have piccies with us playing with Mr Ferry looking over us - fantastic place!”
05 Jul 2008
“he he he!!! betcha wouldnt want to be livin there now - what a dump, need body armour and an SA80 rifle to travel through there after dark nowadays.....ha ha ha much like the sort of places we used to play back in the old days - anyone remember Pinkies in Lower Broughton eeeks!!!!”
18 Sep 2007
“Young Mr Coopz was hiding behind the pillar to the right of the screen I think - probably had a complex guitar bit and didnt want anyone to see him struggle getting his fingers around those strings ho ho ho!!!”
01 Jul 2007
“Or even Haircut 100 !!! - whilst touring Scotland in 82 we stopped at a local pub near Aviemore. The locals thought we were the Haircut 100 chappies and we ended up signing autographs as them , having piccies taken etc - I wonder to this day if they ever rumbled we were imposters!”
23 Jun 2007
“errrrrr.....button down shirt....skinny tie.....hip hugging trousers and probably socks and a pair of Cuban Heeled Winklepicker Chelsea Boots.”
18 Jun 2007
“That reminds me I'd better get down to B&Q for a new pot and slap another few layers on.....damn that Bass drum is getting so heavy....”
17 Jun 2007
“mmmm, I remember certain other 'chaps' who used to work there who always seemed to need to speak to us in the 'Dressing Room' just as we used to be in the middle of getting changed......maybe we should have concentrated on the 'Franky goes to Hollywood' market :-)”
“Hee Hee Hee !!! we were so retro we even ended up with Scouse accents and turned the colour button down on the telly so everything looked 'proper' . Toptastic times most indeedy”

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