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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 55 new artefacts, 13 new members, 4 new people and places.


Joined 1st January 2008



Latest Discussion

“The Paul Butterfiekd Blues Band! I remember! They did a double header and played the second set at The Birdcage in Ashton.”
22 Aug 2016
“After the town hall it became the art college and we played in the big room on the left which became the refectory - don't know what it is now!”
17 Feb 2013
“Spider Mike King is on the web! Sorry, couldn't resist. He's in the Archive. Doesn't look like a young Mick Jagger now. We're probably playing Key To Love or Positively 4th St
30 Jan 2013
“Cheers Andrew - you are another of the great unsung heroes of Manchester's alternative media scene and if I ever get to Australia I'll buy you a drink! CP”
10 Nov 2008
“Yes, the Charlie Parkas were a spin off - And they had a residency at The Lamplight Chorlton - not the Seymour
Charlie P”
“It was November 1967 and the venue was to become part of the Polytechnic, now the Met. The gig was a benefit for CND”

Bands / Artists added

10cc 77 items
The 1234 Five 0 items
The 4 Mosts 0 items
42nd Street 7 items
48 Chairs 7 items
808 State 412 items
A Certain Ratio 566 items
A Guy Called Gerald 190 items
A Witness 5 items
The Abstracts 0 items
Accident on the East Lancs 7 items
Addict 0 items
The Addicts 0 items
The Admirals 0 items
Adventure Babies 22 items
The Advisers 0 items
Alan la Pellay 13 items
Alberto Y Lost Trios Paranoias 135 items
The All Stars 0 items
Alone 1 item
The Angels 0 items
The Anglias 0 items
Aniseed 0 items
Anne Brent 0 items
The Antares 0 items
The Antones 0 items
The Apples 0 items
Aqua 18 items
Art Nouveau 1 item
The Astorians 0 items
The Astrals 0 items
The Astronoughts 0 items
The Atlanta Roots 8 items
The Atlantics 0 items
Audioweb 2 items
The Avalons 0 items
The Avengers 0 items
The Aztecs 0 items
b-fab U.K. 19 items
Baby Suicide 7 items
The BackbeatsBackdoor Men 0 items
The Balmains 0 items
Bandit Queen 10 items
Bandwagon 0 items
The Barbarians with Prince Khan 0 items
The Bardots 0 items
The Barons 0 items
Barry James and the Strangers 0 items
Barry Langtree and the Lancastrians 0 items
Barry Vaughan and the Horizons 0 items
The Beachcombers 0 items
The Bearjacks 0 items
The Beat Messengers 0 items
The Beat Squad 0 items
The Beatbelles 0 items
The Beathovens 3 items
The Beatmakers 0 items
Beatrice 1 item
The Beatvendors 8 items
Bed 0 items
Bee Gees 12 items
The Bees Knees 0 items
Beetaab Sangeet 0 items
The Berry Pickers 0 items
Bet Lynch’s Legs 5 items
The Big Beat Boys 0 items
Big Block 454 23 items
Big Ed and His Rockin Rattlesnakes 12 items
Big Flame 68 items
Bill Bowes and the Arrows 0 items
Bill Leslie and the Alleycats 0 items
Billy and the Impacts 0 items
Billy Dee and the Deacons 0 items
Biting Tongues 188 items
Black 1 item
The Black Beats 0 items
Black Grape 10 items
The Black Orchids 0 items
Black Silk Frog 0 items
Black Stan’s Blues Band 0 items
The Black Velvets 0 items
The Blackberris 0 items
The Blackcurrants 0 items
The Blackjacks 0 items
The Blackouts 0 items
Blah Blah Blah 1 item
The Blue Angels 0 items
The Blue Diamonds 0 items
Blue Orchids 36 items
The Blues Syndicate 0 items
The Bo-Weevils 0 items
The Bobbins 0 items
Bobby and the Benders 0 items
Bobby Brown and the Barons 0 items
Bobby Christian and the Avalons 1 item
Bobby Dell and the Dellstars 0 items
Bobby Laine and the Confederates 0 items
The Bodines 77 items
The Bodysnatchers 0 items
Bong 0 items
Boom Boom 0 items
Boothill Footappers 0 items
Bounce The Mouse 13 items
The Boys 0 items
Bread and Roses 0 items
Breather 1 item
Brenda’s Boyfriend 0 items
Brent Wade and the Wanderers 0 items
The Bridgebeats 0 items
The Brokers 0 items
The Brownsville Jug Band 2 items
Brubaker 0 items
Bruce Haris and the Kingpins 0 items
Bruce Harris and the Cavaliers 0 items
The Brutas Men 0 items
The Brystals 0 items
The Buccaneers 0 items
The Buddies 0 items
Buddy Britten and the Regents 0 items
The Bunny Baker Eight 0 items
Burning Hunks of Love 0 items
The Buttons 0 items
Buzzcocks 1018 items
C-Charts 0 items
Cadillac and the Playboys 0 items
Cairo 5 items
Cake Shop Device 0 items
The Cameo 5 0 items
The Camerians 0 items
The Canto Five 0 items
Carl Mann and the Candymen 0 items
Carmel 27 items
Carol Kay and the Dynachords 0 items
The Carrovelles 0 items
The Carsons 0 items
The Cartwrights 0 items
Cathy La Creme 1 item
The Cavaliers 0 items
The Centurians 1 item
The Chads 0 items
The Challengers 2 items
The Chameleons 103 items
Champion Frannie Eubanks 0 items
The Chancellors 1 item
The Changing Times 0 items
The Chaperones 0 items
The Chapters 0 items
The Chariots 0 items
Charlie Parkers 1 item
The Chasers 1 item
Cheeba 1 item
The Cheetahs 0 items
Cheryl Laine and the Renegades 0 items
The Cheshire Cats 0 items
The Chessmen 0 items
The Cheynes 0 items
Chez Vandell and the Ravens 0 items
Chick Graham and the Coasters 0 items
The Chondells 0 items
The Chorltons 0 items
Chris Nava Combo 0 items
Chris Ryan the the Strangers 0 items
Christine and the Norsemen 0 items
Chucaburrra 0 items
The Chuckles 0 items
The Citadels 0 items
The Citizens 0 items
The Citrons 0 items
The Classics 0 items
The Clearways 0 items
Cliff Bowes and the Arrows 0 items
Cliff Gale and the Jangles 0 items
Clint and the Chordettes 0 items
Clive Prince and the Vampires 0 items
The Coasters 0 items
The Coasters with Phil Corbett 0 items
Cock ‘A’ Hoops 0 items
Col Kennedy and the Presidents 0 items
The Collegians 1 item
The Colorados 0 items
Colours Out Of Time 6 items
The Commancheros 0 items
The Con Brios 0 items
The Concords 0 items
The Condours 0 items
The Confederates 4 items
The Connoisseurs 0 items
The Contours 0 items
The Contrasts 0 items
The Cool Hands 0 items
Cops ‘n Robbers 0 items
The Corals 0 items
The Coronets 0 items
The Corvettes 0 items
The Corvettes Combo 0 items
Cosmos 0 items
The Cossacks 0 items
Cotten Singers 0 items
The Counterfeits 0 items
The Country beats 0 items
The Country Gentlemen 5 items
The Cow Freaks 0 items
Craig Davies 2 items
Crazy Heavy 1 item
The Creepers 17 items
The Cresants 0 items
The Crescents 0 items
The Cresters with Malcolm Clarke & Richard Harding 4 items
Crispy Ambulance 53 items
The Crusaders 0 items
Crush 0 items
The Curious Yellows 0 items
Curt’s Creatures 0 items
The Cyclones 0 items
The Cymerons 0 items
Dae Shirley and the Raunchys 0 items
The Dakotas 1 item
The Daltons 0 items
The Damien Shrub 1 item
Danny and the Democrats 0 items
Danny and the Demons 0 items
Danny and the Dominators 0 items
Danny Havoc and the Ventures 0 items
Danny Lee and the Dominoes 0 items
Danny Marshall and the Lawmen 0 items
Danny Moran 2 items
The Dappers 0 items
The Dark Lagoons 0 items
Darling Buds 2 items
The Dauphin Street Six 0 items
Dave and the Midnights 0 items
Dave Barlow and the Knights 0 items
Dave Baron 1 item
Dave Beatty Rock Group 0 items
Dave Curtis and the Tremors 0 items
Dave Howard and the Boys 0 items
Dave Lee and the Bostons 0 items
Dave Plumb and the Stones 4 items
Dave Prentice and the Paiges 2 items
Dave Storm and the Crestas 0 items
The Dawnbreakers 0 items
Dean Stanley and the 4Ds 0 items
Dean West and the Hellions 0 items
Dean West and the Vantells 0 items
The Debrettes 0 items
Dee and the Lindmen 0 items
Dee Jays with Johnny Dee 0 items
Defenders,The 0 items
The Defiants 0 items
Deke Bonner and the Tremors 0 items
Deke Rivers and the Big 3 0 items
Deke Rivers and the Big Sound 0 items
Deke Wess and the Jaguars 0 items
Del Barry and the Downbeats 0 items
Del Raymond and the Estelles 0 items
The Del Renos 0 items
The Dell Stars 0 items
The Delmont Four 0 items
The Deltas 0 items
The Deltones 0 items
The Deltones with Tony Laine 0 items
The Demokrats 0 items
The Demolition Crew 0 items
The Demons 0 items
Dene and the Citizens 0 items
Dene and the Deltones 0 items
Denny and the Witchdoctors 0 items
Denny Seyton and the Sabres 0 items
Derrick and the Falcons 0 items
Desert Wolves 6 items
The Detroits 0 items
The Deviators 0 items
The Dharmas 0 items
Dhyani 2 items
The Diablos 0 items
Diagram Brothers 71 items
Dicky Newman and the Crusaders 0 items
The Dictators 0 items
Die Kunst 10 items
The Digerreedoos 0 items
The Diplomats 0 items
Dislocation Dance 166 items
Distant Cousins 37 items
Distractions 378 items
The Dollymixtures 0 items
The Dolphins 0 items
The Dominant Four 0 items
The Dominators 0 items
Don Curtis and the Coasters 0 items
Don Lane and the Secrets 0 items
Don Sands and the Stylos 0 items
Donna Day and the Knights 0 items
DOSE 0 items
Dougie James Soultrain 5 items
The Dowlands 0 items
Dr. Pill and the Purple Hearts 1 item
The Dramers 0 items
The Dreadnauts 0 items
The Drifting Hearts 0 items
Drive In Rock 1 item
The Drones 185 items
Dru Harvey and the Jokers 0 items
The Drumbeats 0 items
Dub Sex 88 items
Dub Vampire 5 items
Dumb 19 items
The Durutti Column 259 items
The Dustbinmen 0 items
The Dymonds 0 items
The Dynachords with Carole Kay 1 item
The Dynamic Delltones 0 items
Earl Duke and the Shabooms 0 items
East West Coast 2 items
Easterhouse 62 items
The Echoes 0 items
The Echoes with Paul Keen 0 items
Ed Banger and the Nosebleeds 30 items
Eddie and the Cymarrons 0 items
Eddie Marton and the Sabres 0 items
Eddie Mooney and Grave 3 items
Eddie Sheron and the Stormbeats 0 items
Eddie Sheron and the Tremillos 0 items
Edward Barton 38 items
Eight Silverhead 0 items
Electronic 137 items
The Electrons 0 items
Eli Ryan 0 items
Elkie Brooks 3 items
Elti-Fits 29 items
The Emperors 0 items
The Emperors of Rhythm 0 items
The En Signs 0 items
EPI 8 items
Eric Lee and the Four Aces 0 items
Eric Random 96 items
Erkey Grant and the Tonettes 0 items
The Estelles 0 items
Eve Lorraine and the Chaperones 0 items
The Exile Three 0 items
The Exiles 0 items
Exit 21 0 items
The Exuberants 17 items
The Fab Spellbinders 0 items
The Factotums 0 items
The Fairies 0 items
The Falcons 0 items
The Falcons Mk II 0 items
Fallover 24 8 items
The Fangers 0 items
The Fantoms 1 item
Fast Breeder 6 items
Fast Cars 173 items
The Fauves 0 items
The Federals 0 items
The Feelgoods with Phil J Corbett 0 items
The Fenders 0 items
The Firing Squad 0 items
Fish On A Stick 0 items
Five Go Off To Play Guitar 1 item
Five Paper Fantasy 0 items
The Five Statesmen 0 items
Flash 0 items
Flashback 0 items
Fleece 5 items
FOC 0 items
The Followers 0 items
The Fontanas 0 items
The Footappers 0 items
Foreign Press 58 items
The Forresters with Little John 0 items
The Fortune Tellers 0 items
The Four Just Men 0 items
The Four Plus One 0 items
The Fourtones with Ricky Young 7 items
Frank and the Trendsetters 1 item
Frank Kelly and the Hunters 0 items
Frank Lees Four 0 items
Frank Sidebottom 173 items
Frankenstein and the Monsters 0 items
Frannie Eubanks 1 item
Frantic Elevators 90 items
The Frantic Four 0 items
The Frantic Grange Suited Twisters 0 items
Fred and the Flintstone Five 0 items
Freddie And The Dreamers 6 items
The French 10 items
Fresh Vibes 0 items
The Freshies 160 items
FT Index 3 items
The Fugitives 0 items
Gabrielle’s Wish 10 items
Gags 12 items
The Galaxies 0 items
The Gambelers 0 items
Garbo Talks 3 items
Gary Rodgers and the Vampires 0 items
Gay and the Guys 0 items
Gay Animals 5 items
The Gay Dogs 0 items
Gee South and the Blue Cats 0 items
The Generations 0 items
Genius Beat 1 item
George Borowski 29 items
The George Sugden XI 0 items
Gerry and the Holograms 19 items
Gerry Burns and the Invaders 0 items
Gerry de Ville and the City Kings 0 items
Gerry Wilde and the Wildcats 0 items
The Ghosts 0 items
The Giants 0 items
Gin House 0 items
The Glass 0 items
The Glowing Embers 13 items
God 0 items
Godley and Creme 18 items
God’s Gift 15 items
God’s Sister Helen 6 items
Going Red 1 item
The Golden Apples 0 items
The Gonks 0 items
Good Guys 0 items
Gordon the Moron 13 items
The Graduates 0 items
Grant Tracey and the Sunsets 0 items
Greasy Bear 39 items
Great Leap Forward 17 items
The Great Tornado 0 items
Green 4 items
The Gremlins 0 items
Grow Up 11 items
The Guy Les Trio 0 items
Gyro 10 items
The Habits 0 items
Hagan and the Henchmen 0 items
Happy Mondays 1035 items
The Harbour Lights 0 items
Hari Odin and Thunderers 0 items
Harlem Spirit 34 items
Harvey’s Rabbit 6 items
The Hazelbelles 0 items
The Heartbeats 0 items
The Heartbeats with Mark Byrne 0 items
Helene and the Kinsmen 0 items
The Hellions 0 items
The Henchmen 0 items
Henry Allen Blend 0 items
Herman's Hermits 10 items
The Hessians 0 items
Hey Day 0 items
The Hi Five 0 items
The Hi-Spots 0 items
The Hickory 0 items
The High 116 items
The High Society (band) 0 items
Hit Squad 0 items
The Hoax 33 items
The Hollies 15 items
The Horizons 0 items
The Hornets 0 items
The Hot Rods 0 items
Hotlegs 8 items
Hound God with a Tumour 10 items
Houston Wells and the Marksmen 0 items
The Huckleberries 0 items
The Hum of Good Machines 0 items
Hummer 0 items
Ian Crawford and the Boomerangs 0 items
Ian Curtis and the Dominators 0 items
The Images 9 items
The Imagineers 4 items
The Impalas 0 items
Impossible Chocolates 0 items
The In Crowd 0 items
In Crust 0 items
Inca Babies 65 items
The Incas 0 items
Inner Sense Percussion 21 items
Inspiral Carpets 681 items
The Interns 0 items
Interstellar Overdrive 1 item
The Invaders 0 items
The Invictors 0 items
The Invincibles 0 items
Invisible Girls 6 items
IQ Zero 9 items
Irritant 0 items
The Irwells 0 items
Isherwood 9 items
Italian Love Party 1 item
The Ivan D Juniors 0 items
Ivan’s Meads 4 items
The J and the Melforths 0 items
J J and the Hi-Lites 0 items
J P and the Jurymen 0 items
Jackie Kennedy and the Presidents 0 items
Jacko Ogg and the Head People 2 items
James 483 items
James Bond and the Premiums 0 items
Jay Spearman and the Javelins 4 items
Jazz Defektors 48 items
Jealous 5 items
Jean Bidet and Bathroom Band 0 items
Jeannie and the Big Guys 0 items
Jerry and the Wild Four 0 items
Jerry Lee and the Staggerlees 0 items
Jerry Rogers and the Vampires 0 items
Jilted John 29 items
Jim and the Tonics 0 items
Jimmy Crawford and the Messengers 0 items
Jimmy Crawford and the Ravens 0 items
Jimmy Martin and the Martinis 0 items
Joe Roberts 9 items
John Cooper Clarke 250 items
Johnn Drake and the Admials 0 items
Johnny and the Avengers 0 items
Johnny and the Semi-Tones 0 items
Johnny and the Stormy Nights 0 items
Johnny Apollo and the Spartans 0 items
Johnny B Goode and the Hot Rods 0 items
Johnny Blake and the Admirals 0 items
Johnny Bright and the Rewires 0 items
Johnny Bright and the Sparks 0 items
Johnny Costello and the Lawmen 0 items
Johnny Dangerously 41 items
Johnny Daran and the Corvettes 0 items
Johnny Darano and the Strollers 0 items
Johnny Dark and the Stormy Knights 0 items
Johnny Dean and the Planets 0 items
Johnny Dean and the Shakers 0 items
Johnny Deen and the Crestas 0 items
Johnny Downes and the Dolphins 0 items
Johnny Drake and his Crewmates 0 items
Johnny J and B Sharp 0 items
Johnny Keeping and Lonely Ones 0 items
Johnny Law and the Lawmen 0 items
Johnny Lee and the Seekers 0 items
Johnny Mac and the Sporrans 0 items
Johnny Martin and the Paiges 2 items
Johnny Martin and the Tremors 0 items
Johnny Masters and Mastersounds 0 items
Johnny Mike and the Shades 0 items
Johnny Milton and the Condors 0 items
Johnny Moe’s Rhythm and Blues Band 0 items
Johnny Paige and the Ventures 0 items
Johnny Peters and the Crestas 1 item
Johnny Peters and the Jets 1 item
Johnny Peters and the JPs 1 item
Johnny Silver and the Atlantics 0 items
Johnny Silver and the Cymerions 0 items
Johnny Silver and Thunderbirds 0 items
Johnny Sky and the Horizons 0 items
Johnny Vallons and the Dee-Jays 1 item
Johnson’s Nephews 0 items
Jon the Postman 41 items
Joy 7 items
Joy Division 657 items
Julie and Gordon 0 items
Just Sucking Cheese 1 item
K-Billy 0 items
Kalima 75 items
Kaliphz 1 item
Karl Denver Trio 4 items
Kathy and the Boleros 0 items
Kathy and the Conquerors 0 items
Kenny Damont and the Rebels 0 items
Kenny Stevens and Blue Diamonds 0 items
Kim Tracey and the Antones 0 items
King of the Slums 126 items
Kirk Daniels and the Deltas 0 items
Kirk Daniels Dominators 0 items
Kirk Sheldon 0 items
Kirk Sheldon and the Atlantics 0 items
Kiss AMC 40 items
Kraken 1 item
Kris Rhyan and the Questions 1 item
Lamb 12 items
Larry Avon and the Presidents 0 items
Laudanum Split 0 items
Laugh 48 items
Lee Allen and the Sceptres 0 items
Lee Castle and the Barons 0 items
Lee Curtis and the All stars 0 items
Lee Darrett and the Escorts 0 items
Lee Fender and the Topliners 0 items
Lee Paul and the Boys 0 items
Lee Shondell and the Premiers X 0 items
Lee Stewart and the Beat Squad 0 items
Lee Stewart and the Emperors 0 items
Lee Walker and the Travellers 0 items
Lee Zenith and the Cimmarones 0 items
Lemn Sissay 32 items
Lennie and the Teambeats 0 items
Linda Laine with the Saints 0 items
The Lipids 1 item
Lisa Stansfield 107 items
Little Frankie and the Country Gents 3 items
Little Rikki and the Original Renegades 0 items
Little Walter and theSofties 0 items
The Lobe 0 items
Lonesome and Penniless Cowboys 13 items
Loremel 0 items
Lorraine Gray and Chaperones 0 items
Lorraine Gray and the Olympics 1 item
Lorraine Gray and the Shakeouts 0 items
Lorraine Gray and the Toys 0 items
Lorraine Grey and the Questions 0 items
Loveland 0 items
The Lovers 0 items
The Lowthers 2 items
Ludus 189 items
M People 25 items
Mad Daddy 0 items
Magazine 187 items
Magic Lanterns 0 items
Mainline 1 item
Mal Ryder and the Spirits 0 items
Man From Delmonte 153 items
The Manchester Mekon 39 items
The Manchester Playboys 10 items
The Manchester Women’s Band 0 items
Manicured Noise 46 items
Marc Stone 0 items
Marion 14 items
Mark Peters and the Silhouettes 1 item
Mark Raymond and the Rayvons 1 item
Martin Gittins 6 items
Marty Barry and the Teenbeats 1 item
Master Jam and Owen 0 items
Matt Derry and the Stylos 0 items
MC Buzz B 74 items
MC Tunes 87 items
McAllum 0 items
Meatmouth 1 item
Mediaters 11 items
Mel Dean and the Dean Aces 0 items
Mel Turner and the Mohicans 0 items
Mellotron 4 items
Membranes 81 items
Metal Monkey Machine 34 items
Miaow 14 items
Mighty Kyoga 0 items
Mike Brennan and the Testaments 0 items
Mike Cadillac and the Playboys 0 items
Mike Cameron and his Silhouettes 0 items
Mike Carroll and the Ramblers 0 items
Mike Curtis and The Set 0 items
Mike Everest and the Alpines 0 items
Mike Fenner and the San Antones 0 items
Mike McNight and the Phantoms 0 items
Mike Payne and the Misfits 0 items
Mike Sagar and the Crestas 0 items
Mike Sagar and the Quiet Three 0 items
Mike Sax and the Vikings 1 item
Mike Sweeney and the Thunderbirds 1 item
Milltown Brothers 93 items
The Milton James Band 0 items
Miss Danny and the Chrystells 0 items
Mistral 0 items
Mock Turtles 97 items
Molly Half Head 27 items
Moonshine 0 items
Moses 0 items
Mothmen 21 items
Motivation 2 items
Mr Smith and Sum People 0 items
The Mudlarks 0 items
My Cat Dances 0 items
N M and the Bogstompers 0 items
Naafi Sandwich 0 items
The Negatives 31 items
Neil Landon and the Burnettes 0 items
Nero and the Gladiators 0 items
New Boston Sect 0 items
New Fast Automatic Daffodils 287 items
New Order 1309 items
The Next Step 4 items
Night Visitors 11 items
Noddy and the Toytown Rockers 0 items
Norman and his Cellmates 0 items
Norman and the Electrons 0 items
Norman Beaker 10 items
Northern Uproar 5 items
Not Sensibles 11 items
Oasis 179 items
Obimen 12 items
Olivia Twist 0 items
Omar 0 items
Operation Guitar Boy 2 items
Our Salford Correspondent 3 items
The Out 13 items
Pablo Panques 0 items
Paddy Melon 0 items
Pagan Chemistry Set 0 items
The Panik 5 items
Paper Dolls 0 items
Paris Angels 125 items
Paris Valentinos 0 items
Parma Violets 1 item
The Passage 165 items
Pat Wayne and Rockin’ Jay Men 0 items
Pat Wayne and the Beachcombers 0 items
Paul Beattie and the Beats 1 item
Paul Dean and the Premiers 0 items
Paul Fenda and the Teenbeats 1 item
Paul Stevens and Emperors of Rhythm 0 items
Paul Young’s Paradox 0 items
Pavane 0 items
The Pavement Family 2 items
Performance (2004 -) 4 items
Pete and the Mohawks 0 items
Pete and the New Persuaders 0 items
Pete and the Rebels 0 items
Pete Berry and the Tornados 0 items
Pete Chester and the Consulates 0 items
Pete Maclaine and the Dakotas 5 items
Pete Maclaine and the Four Just Men 1 item
Pete Taylor and the Javelins 0 items
Pete Trent and the Travellers 0 items
Pete Wetton and the Dakotas 0 items
Peter Day and the Knights 0 items
Peter Novack and the Heartbeats 0 items
Pete’s Faces 0 items
Phil J Corbett and the Coasters 0 items
Phil Lowe and the Swaggers 0 items
Phil Peters and the Swaggers 0 items
Phil Plant and the Plantes 0 items
Phil Ryon and the Crescents 0 items
Picture Chords 31 items
Plain and Fancy 0 items
Poontang and Hotshots 0 items
PP Messiah 0 items
Predator 1 item
Prime Mover 0 items
Prime Time Suckers 10 items
Prince Cool 0 items
Property Of 15 items
The Pudding Spoons 0 items
The Puppets 0 items
Puressence 19 items
The Puritans 0 items
The Purple Gang 4 items
Quando Quango 24 items
Quigley 1 item
The Quivers 0 items
The Raging Storms 0 items
The Ragin’ Cajuns 2 items
The Railway Children 138 items
Rainbow Arch 5 items
Rainkings 27 items
The Rainmakers 2 items
Raintree County 20 items
The Ranchers 0 items
The Rangers 1 item
Ratfink 22 items
The Rats 0 items
The Rattling Bones 0 items
The Ravels 0 items
The Ravons 0 items
Ray Anton and the Peppermint Men 0 items
Ray Kennan and the Quiet Three 0 items
Ray Malcolm and the Sunsets 0 items
Ray Marcus and the Deejays 0 items
The Rebels 0 items
Red Hoffman and the Measles 0 items
The Redcaps 0 items
The Reg Coates Experience 0 items
The Relatives 0 items
Remo Sands and Spinning Tops 0 items
The Renegades 13 items
The Renegades with Wayne Gordon 0 items
Resinous 0 items
Rev Black and the Rocking Vicars 0 items
Revenge 109 items
Revolution 9 0 items
The Revolutions 0 items
Ricky and Dane Young 0 items
Ricky and the Jetzens 0 items
Ricky Bowdon and the Escorts 0 items
Ricky Den and the Fantoms 0 items
Ricky Ford and the Tennesseans 0 items
Ricky Lane and the Drovers 0 items
Ricky Norman and the Elektrons 0 items
Ricky Shaw and the Dolphins 0 items
Ricky Young and the Echoes 0 items
Ricky Young and the Fabulous Fourtones 0 items
Rig 363 items
Right Band, Wrong Planet 3 items
The Riots 0 items
The Risk (1) 2 items
The Roadrunners 1 item
Rob Storm and the Whispers 0 items
Rocket Jam Roll 1 item
The Rockin Rapids 0 items
The Rockin Slaves of Babylon 0 items
The Rocking Jaymen 0 items
Roly and the Boys 0 items
Romany Rye 0 items
The Ron Pickard Four 0 items
The Rondecks 0 items
The Rondellas 0 items
Rowetta 29 items
Roy and the Restless Four 0 items
Rubber Meks 0 items
Rude Club 1 item
Ruthless Rap Assassins 104 items
The Ryles Brothers with Gay Saxon 0 items
The Sables 0 items
The Sabres 0 items
Sad Cafe 21 items
Salford Jets 22 items
Salford Sheiks 0 items
The Sandstones 0 items
The Sandstorms 0 items
The Santa Fe Five 0 items
The Sapphires 0 items
The Satans 0 items
Scorchers 0 items
The Scorpions 0 items
The Script 0 items
Sean Campbell and the Mysteries 0 items
Sean Campbell and the Tremoloes 0 items
Seane and the Sonics 0 items
Second Sun 0 items
The Secrets 0 items
Section 25 173 items
The Seekers 0 items
The Self Righteous Brothers 0 items
The Semitones 0 items
The Senators 0 items
Send No Flowers 3 items
The Sensations 0 items
Seven Ways 0 items
SFW 17 items
Shabby Tiger 0 items
The Shades Five 0 items
Shah 0 items
The Shakes 0 items
Shallow 3 items
Shane and the Shane Gang 0 items
The Shantells 0 items
The Shape of the Rain 0 items
The Shapiros 0 items
Shaun and Sum People 0 items
Shaun Hunter and the Falcons 0 items
Sheila Collier and Smokey City 7 1 item
The Shelbys 0 items
The Shevrons 0 items
The Shotguns 0 items
The Shouts 0 items
The Silks 0 items
Simply Red 111 items
The Sinners with Linda Lane 0 items
The Sins of the Family 0 items
Siren 0 items
Skol Bandeleros 13 items
The Skyliners 0 items
Slaughter 0 items
Slaughter and the Dogs 219 items
Sleep 0 items
The Sleepwalkers 1 item
Slight Seconds 21 items
Slum Turkeys 21 items
Smirks 76 items
The Smiths 725 items
Smokescreen 0 items
The Snakes 3 items
The Sneakers 0 items
Solo 70 0 items
Sombrero Fallout 0 items
Some of Them 0 items
The Sonics 0 items
The Sonnets 0 items
Sound Gallery 0 items
The Sound Waves 0 items
The Soundsations 0 items
Soundtracks 1 item
The Souvenirs 0 items
The Sovereigns 0 items
Space Monkeys 1 item
The Spartans 0 items
The Spectres 0 items
Speed Of Sound 6 items
The Spellbinders 0 items
Spherical Objects 49 items
The Spidermen 0 items
The Spinning Tops 0 items
The Spitfires 20 items
St Louis Union 2 items
The Staccatos 0 items
Stackwaddy 21 items
The Stalwarts 0 items
Stanley Accrington 6 items
The Stantones 0 items
The Starlites 0 items
Starseed 1 item
The Stateside Combo 0 items
The Statesmen 0 items
The Stationers 0 items
The Steeltones 0 items
The Steeltones with Ricky Adams 0 items
The Sterlings 0 items
Steve and the Suspects 0 items
The Stone Roses 793 items
Stonebreaker 0 items
Stonefree 0 items
The Storm Beats 0 items
The Stormriders 0 items
The Stormy Nights 0 items
The Strand Showband 0 items
Strange Brew 4 items
Strange Street 0 items
The Strangers 0 items
The Strangeways 0 items
The Strides 0 items
The Strollers 0 items
The Stylos 0 items
Sub Sub 55 items
Sunchaser 0 items
Sunrise 5 items
The Sunsets 0 items
The Sunspots 0 items
Susan Singer 0 items
The Suspicions 0 items
Sussed 3 items
The Swaggers 0 items
Swamp Children 13 items
Swamp Thing 0 items
Sweet Sensation 7 items
The Swinbourne Swingers 1 item
Swing Out Sister 36 items
Swinging Lampshades 3 items
The Swingtones 0 items
Swivel Hips 7 items
The Symbols 0 items
Syndicate,The 0 items
T Dynamix 3 items
Take That 7 items
The Takeovers 0 items
The Talismen 3 items
The Tangents 0 items
Tansads 2 items
The Taverners 0 items
The Tearaways 0 items
The Teasers 0 items
The Teddy Bears 0 items
The Teenbeats 0 items
Temper Temper 3 items
The Tempests 0 items
The Tempters 0 items
Terry and the Teenbeats 0 items
Terry Gordon and the Coasters 0 items
Terry King and the Saints 0 items
Terry Young and the Terry Young Six 0 items
The Texans 0 items
The Things 54 items
The Three Dimensions 0 items
Three Dots and a Dash 0 items
Three Nuts and a Bolt 0 items
The Thunderbeats 0 items
Tiffany and the Four Dimensions 0 items
Tiffany and the Thoughts 0 items
The Tigers 0 items
Tiller Boys 27 items
TNT and the Dynamites 0 items
To Hell with Burgundy 23 items
Todd Miller and the Prowlers 0 items
The Toggery 5 1 item
The Tokens 0 items
Tom Hart and the Hartbeats 0 items
Tommy Brennan and the Aces 0 items
Tommy Wells and the Delights 0 items
Tom’s Rigg 2 items
Toni Fayne and the Federals 0 items
Tony and the Baritones 0 items
Tony and the Scorpions 0 items
Tony and the Stormriders 0 items
Tony D and the Shakeouts 0 items
Tony Holland and the Packabeats 0 items
Tony Kaye and the Huckleberries 0 items
The Tony Palandinos Rhythm Group 0 items
Too Much Texas 27 items
Tools You Can Trust 38 items
The Torrents 1 item
Toss the Feathers 37 items
Tot 9 items
The Trackers 0 items
Tractor 14 items
The Tremors 0 items
Trevor Fayne and The Original Phantoms 0 items
The Triads 0 items
The Tribunes 0 items
The Triffords 0 items
Trigger Happy 2 items
The Trixons 0 items
The Trolls 0 items
The Troyes 0 items
The Trycons 0 items
The Tungstens 0 items
The Tuxedos 0 items
Twang 17 items
United Mates of Hysteria 0 items
The Untamed 0 items
Urban Cookie Collective 0 items
V2 61 items
The Valiants 0 items
The Valkyries 0 items
The Vampires 0 items
Vampires with Paula 0 items
Van Der Graaf Generator 4 items
The Vedettes 0 items
Vee VV 29 items
Ven Tracey and the Beat Squad 0 items
The Venoms 0 items
The Ventures 0 items
Vibrant Thigh 56 items
The Vibrations 0 items
The Vibratones 0 items
Vic and the Steelmen 0 items
Vic and the VIPs 0 items
Vic Brick and the Cements 0 items
Vic Elson’s Teenbeats 0 items
Vic Patch and the Leathers 0 items
Vicky Lee 0 items
The Victor Brox Blues Train 18 items
Victoria 0 items
The Vigilantes 0 items
The Vikings 2 items
Vin Atherton and the Jazzmen 0 items
Vince Bennett and the Galaxies 0 items
Vince Berresford 0 items
Vince Berresford and the Cheaters 0 items
Vince Earl and the Talismen 1 item
Vince Harris and the Turmoils 0 items
Vince Martin and the Meteros 0 items
The Vincents 8 items
The Vindicators 0 items
The Visitors 1 item
Vocal Harum 12 items
The Vortex 2 items
The Vulcans 0 items
The Wailers 0 items
The Walkaways 0 items
The Waltones 73 items
The Wanderers 0 items
The War Poets 0 items
The Warriors 6 items
The Water Monkeys 0 items
Wayne Fontana and the Jets 2 items
Wayne Fontana and the Mindbenders 19 items
Wayne Sheridan and the Centurians 0 items
Wayne Thomas and the Tonics 3 items
Wayne Wayne and the Trains 0 items
The Weeds 13 items
Weekes of Sandwich 0 items
The Weys 0 items
What? Noise 37 items
When in Rome 3 items
Whirligig 2 items
The Whirlwinds 0 items
The Wierdies 0 items
The Wilde Bunch 0 items
Williams, Di 0 items
Wireless 0 items
Wirewood 0 items
World of Twist 128 items
The Worst 43 items
The Wyverns 0 items
The X-L’s 0 items
Yargo 121 items
Yennash 0 items
Yes Brazil 2 items
Yorker 0 items
Young and Renshawe 0 items
The Young BroThers 0 items
The Zenith Six 1 item
The Zephyrs 0 items
The Zodiacs 0 items

DJs added

Andy Kershaw 10 items

Places added

Al-kazar, Manchester 0 items
Alma Lodge, Stockport 1 item
Amber Moon, Manchester 1 item
Amigos, Manchester 0 items
Annabell's, Manchester 5 items
Ashton Palais, Tameside 2 items
Astoria (Manchester), Manchester 6 items
Astoria (Rawtenstall), Oldham 4 items
Auto Club, Manchester 0 items
Back Door, Manchester 0 items
Bamboo Club, Stockport 3 items
Beach Club at Oozit's, Manchester 34 items
Beachcomber, Bolton 1 item
Birch Park Palace, Manchester 0 items
Birdcage, Tameside 0 items
Broadway Ballroom, Eccles, Salford 0 items
Brookfield Hotel, Stockport 13 items
Browns (Levenshulme), Manchester 0 items
Browns Teenbeat Club, Trafford 0 items
Bruins, Manchester 1 item
Burnage Beat Centre, Manchester 0 items
Bury Palace Theatre Club, Bury 0 items
Cabin Club, Manchester 1 item
Can Can Coffee Bar, Manchester 2 items
Carlton Ballroom, Rochdale 0 items
Casino Dance Club, Manchester 0 items
Cellar 64, Trafford 0 items
Chalet Dance Club, Manchester 0 items
Chez Joey, Manchester 0 items
Chorlton-on-Medlock Town Hall, Manchester 1 item
Clef D'or Club, Manchester 0 items
Club Creole, Stockport 0 items
Club Djangos, Manchester 2 items
Club Monaco, Manchester 0 items
Cona Coffee Bar, Manchester 1 item
Consul Club, Manchester 0 items
Continental, Manchester 2 items
Cresta Ballroom, Stockport 0 items
Cresta Club, Manchester 0 items
Crown Hotel, Manchester 1 item
Dennis Viollet's Disc Bar, Manchester 0 items
Deno's, Manchester 0 items
Devil's Cave, Stockport 0 items
Devonshire Sports Club, Manchester 0 items
Diners Club, Manchester 0 items
Dino's, Manchester 0 items
Discs A Go Go, Manchester 0 items
Domino Club, Manchester 1 item
Flintstone's Cave, Oldham 0 items
Forty Thieves Club, Manchester 0 items
Four Drums, Manchester 0 items
Fridays, Manchester 2 items
Golden Disc Coffee Club, Manchester 0 items
Golden Door, Tameside 0 items
Gorton 75 Club, Manchester 0 items
Guys & Dolls, Manchester 0 items
Hardrock Concert Theatre, Trafford 43 items
Heaven And Hell, Manchester 0 items
Hi Fi Coffee Bar, Manchester 0 items
Hi Spot Cabaret Club, Manchester 0 items
His Excellency's, Salford 0 items
Horse Shoe Club, Tameside 0 items
House Of Bamboo, Manchester 0 items
Hr Broughton Assembly Rooms, Salford 0 items
Identity 1 item
Imperial Club, Stockport 0 items
International 1, Manchester 656 items
Irlam Palais, Salford 0 items
Jackie's Explosion Club, Manchester 0 items
Jigsaw, Manchester 2 items
Kardomah Coffee Bar, Manchester 0 items
King Of Hearts, Manchester 0 items
King's Hall (Stockport), Stockport 1 item
Kings Hall (Belle Vue), Manchester 54 items
Klub Koquette, Manchester 2 items
La Cave, Manchester 0 items
Ladybarn Co-op Hall, Manchester 1 item
The Left Wing Coffee House, Manchester 0 items
Levenshulme Sports Club, Manchester 0 items
Lindale Eccles, Salford 0 items
The Locarno (Sale), Manchester 3 items
Luxor Club, Manchester 0 items
Macarlo Coffee Bar, Manchester 0 items
Majestic, Manchester 0 items
Mancunian Club, Manchester 1 item
Mersey Hotel, Manchester 0 items
Midland Hotel, W Didsbury, Manchester 10 items
Mister Smiths, Manchester 6 items
Mogambo Coffee Bar, Manchester 0 items
Msg, Manchester 0 items
New Amber Moon, Manchester 0 items
New Century Hall, Manchester 13 items
New Luxor Club, Manchester 0 items
New Plaza Ballroom, Salford 1 item
New Rialto Club, Manchester 0 items
Nile Club, Manchester 5 items
Normandy Club, Manchester 0 items
Northern Sporting Club, Manchester 1 item
Oceans Eleven, Manchester 1 item
Oscars, Manchester 22 items
Pacific Coffee Dance Club, Manchester 0 items
Palladium Club, Manchester 0 items
Parakeet Coffee Bar, Manchester 0 items
Pendleton Co-op Ballroom, Salford 0 items
Phonograph Club, Manchester 0 items
Picador, Manchester 0 items
Picador Club, Stockport 0 items
Pigalle Club, Manchester 0 items
Placemate 7, Manchester 10 items
Plaza Ballroom, Manchester 4 items
Prince's Ballroom, Bury 0 items
Princess Theatre Club, Manchester 1 item
Pygmalion, Manchester 0 items
Pyramid Club, Rochdale 0 items
Queen Of Hearts, Manchester 0 items
Rails, Manchester 1 item
Regents, Salford 0 items
Reno Club, Manchester 9 items
Rotters, Manchester 14 items
Rowntree's Sounds, Manchester 0 items
Savoy Ballroom, Oldham 0 items
Shamrock Ballroom, Manchester 0 items
Spider's Web, Manchester 0 items
St Bernadette's, Manchester 0 items
Stax Club, Manchester 0 items
Stork Club, Manchester 0 items
Tabernacle Club, Stockport 1 item
Top 20 Club, Trafford 0 items
Top Ten Club, Stockport 0 items
Trof, Manchester 3 items
Whisky A Go Go, Manchester 0 items
Wishing Well Club, Salford 13 items
Zhivagos, Manchester 0 items
Zoo, Manchester 1 item