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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 64 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Joined 1st January 2008



Latest Discussion

“Talk about 'rock n roll casualties' Mr Planet!!!!!
I am neither Bert Pearson, nor Ronnie Poole, and have never been in the Karamojos or any other band!
I've just always been a fan of live Manchester music and consequently know most of the old musos!”
09 Jun 2009
“No, am not Ronnie Poole but read your historical website where he's mentioned! Karamojos drummer, Bert Pearson, (who's still a regular in Chorlton's hostelries), tried to reform the band for his 50th last year at Chorlton Con Club. Adam Rodgers made it, Ronnie couldn't so John Walsh stood in on bass and Chris Gill played rhythm, although they didn't play any Karamojos, just rock'n'roll covers, Top night tall the same and loads of old Lamplight/Limit faces present.
Got any more pics of The Ride? - sure I saw you at The Limit and vaguely remember you lot being quite good.”
09 Jun 2009
“Mr Planet - if this was 1985 the venue had recently re-opened as 'The Limit' - the original 'Lamplight' shut about '82 when the biggest band in there were 'Kid Khaki & the Karamojos' featuring none other than your mate Ronnie Poole on bass. Funny old world eh?”
08 Jun 2009
“Think the geezer top left second row is frontman Jo Roberts who now runs Chorlton Folk Club.”
20 Oct 2008
“454s right. Here's an old 1969 pic of what became Cavendish House taken from All Saints Park
07 Jan 2008
“Fairly sure this is NOT Chorlton station but the old Wilbraham Rd Station (Alexandra Rd South) further on down the line.”
“Hey Arnie, just had it confirmed. Palace, 1973, the Feelgoods supported Hawkwind.”
“The Feelgoods - Best Live Act EVER! Went to all 3 of these gigs and still got the tickets too. Didn't they support Hawkwind at the Palace?”
“The very same. Can you believe he's now a D.I. with the police?”
“Nice story to this Mat - authentic pub-rock revivalists, The Diggers, weren't so much the best shit-kickin rock'n'roll band in Manchester around this time but a 'terrorist drinking organisation' whose arch rivals were John Daley's Beer Monsters, spoilt Stretford boys who hung out in Chorlton's Lloyds pub. Despite this, John, and his crones were big fans of the band! He's pictured here with some of the local Chorlton lads.”

Bands / Artists added

The Cheaters 25 items
The Digger Dugdales 0 items
Kid Khaki & The Karamojos 0 items