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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 64 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Joined 1st January 2008



Latest Discussion

“Would love to have a copy of the 'Foreign Press' demo tapes from the Stuff the Superstars day, anychance you could email me at cheers, Colin”
01 Dec 2009
“They've knocked it down, jeez, you leave the country for a few years........(I can confim the coffin)”
02 Nov 2009
“It was 1978, and a fine time was had by all...”
17 Nov 2007
“very early 80's (or even '79) is the best I can come up with, sorry.”
04 Jul 2007
“Joy Divisions future manager Rob Gretton's first (Co) promotion, (I roadied for the gig) I believe there were slightly more than 12 people in attendance (mixed up with the Lesser Free Trade hall maybe -but then 1,000's now say they attended that one LOL)”
03 Jul 2007
“The Gallery was originally a small (and excellent) Pub called 'Toppers' the owner, who's name escapes me (a mighty fine chap) bought the empty car showroom next door and extended it into what we now know as The Gallery.”
02 Jul 2007
“Went to the grand opening, a certain Quinten Crisp was the 'act', My then girlfriend (not the above mention Joanne) worked behind the bar, cheap Harvey Wallbangers all night, The club hoped to attract an arty crowd, my fellow amigos cercanos from Pips (Roxy) and The Ranch oft drifted in and out.”
02 Jul 2007
“I'll put up an original orange version. (NB Emergency later changed their name to Foreign Press)”
“Cherry Vanilla was, of course, backed by the three members of 'The Police' (then unknown) who later coincidentally had a tie in with Wayne County (Holland I think) If I'm right, I think Cherry Vanilla (still with the Police) also played Rafters, (though it may well have been the Electric Circus I saw her/them, the old memories playing tricks now a days)
I wonder whatever happen to 'The Police' : )”
“Hazywavydavy great to read that you saw 'Emergency' at PIPs, we re-named ourselves 'Foreign Press' not long after that gig, we had a great relationship with Joy Division, usually one of us would play a gig, then we'd get the other booked in... would you happen to have the flyer from the gig, I'm working on a website for the band, and with credit to you, I'd love a copy to put on show, I've also done a myspace page if your interested...

Bands / Artists added

Après Noir 1 item
Pure Product 5 items