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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 57 new artefacts, 12 new members, 4 new people and places.


Joined 1st January 2008



Latest Discussion

“Really interesting reading all this. I've still got the recordings of some of the gigs we did at BOTW. Although I wasn't involved in the band for long, still have very fond memories of Tafa and other musicians in the band and the rehearsals under the Boardwalk. Remember a nice song called Malika too :-)”
05 Mar 2015
“Cheers - got more going up in next few weeks”
29 Oct 2013
“I've got an old VHS copy of the gig. Remember Gen having a hat with LSD lit up in words across the front”
23 Oct 2013
“The Throbbing Gristle live at Rafters album mentions on the back of the sleeve 'There were many demons present...some of us still have the scars'. Maybe this is in reference to the story above. Scary old GPO!
A year earlier, Throbbing Gristle also played the Factory club but there doesn't appear to be any photos from that gig anywhere on the internet. However there is a fantastic mixing desk recording of the event with Gen mentioning he was born in Victoria Park (Neil Megson).”
14 Oct 2013
“I've lost my badge and blue plastic membership card over the years. Dave - member 1020.”
21 May 2013
“Remember him and his shop up the stairs on Oxford Rd. He had a great selection of Parliament/ Funkadelic/ Bootsy albums.”
28 Mar 2011
“Does anyone know the whereabouts of Chris Coupe (C.C) who used to organise those gigs?

Money Jungle were a good live band. Shame there's not more about them on this site.”
28 Mar 2011
“I remember that gig. Those Disobey nights at the 5th Man were some of the most interesting music events the Hacienda put on.
Not long after that night, Boyd Rice appeared at Night & Day as part of a Mute records night together with 2nd Gen and Komputer. We had the pleasure of hanging out with Mr Non that night and he was a thorough gentleman.”
28 Mar 2011
“Wow - great clip. Interesting to hear Phil Kirby on drums too.”
27 Mar 2011
“I always thought the 666 was a club night at Rafters. Throbbing Gristle's 'Psychic Sacrifice' live at Rafters album credits the Illuminated 666. Maybe 666 was the name of the promoters?”
24 Aug 2009

Bands / Artists added

Ben Gwilliam 1 item
Daniel Weaver 4 items
Gommorrahh 2 items
Illuminati 11 items
J Collin 0 items
JJ Howard 4 items
Richard Harrison 12 items
Scissorgun 12 items
Serfs 2 items
Spectral Bazaar 1 item

Places added

St Clement's Church, Manchester 2 items