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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 55 new artefacts, 13 new members, 4 new people and places.


Joined 1st January 2008



Latest Discussion

“hi shadow - great uploads.

did this night attract 'named bands' or was it more of a local bands night?”
26 Oct 2008
“there's something eles on the site released on TJM... can't remember what. anyone know anything about them?”
16 Oct 2008
“wasn't there a white label vinyl lp with this tracklist stapled onto the paper cover? maybe it was a promo...”
16 Oct 2008
“see also:

looks as if this record sleeve is the 'legal' version of the poster...”
13 Oct 2008
“Dear all who have left comments above - we have been asked to help The Lowry with an exhibition about dancing, and they are interested in talking to anyone who loved to dance at punk gigs. if you feel you'd like to help can you please contact the MDMarchive (orange 'contact us' link, top left of this website) and we'll forward your mail on to the Lowry... ta, Mat.”
13 Oct 2008
“no problem- sorry it took so long...”
13 Oct 2008
07 Oct 2008
“this reads...

"Fàc 9(cont): Also planned 'ln search of the lost chord' by Salem and Naylor. An SF sojourn through the mathematics of western tonal mathematics. Music by M.Hannett (partner and producer of 5,6,2a:2b,l0,l3,l4,Spiral scraaatches NB to NB on FàC 7 - 'sell some' - work on Lost Chord is held up for
understandable misgivings on the part of Miss Naylor on the question of this al1 pervading concept of 'product'. She wants to know when we're going to market toilet paper. Good question. next.

FAC 10: Joy Division; 'Unknown Pleasures'; 33 and a third LP... This was Joy Division's 4th outing on plastic; history includes two tracks on FàC 2, two tracks on 'Last night at the Circus' on Virgin and their own 12" 45 (also in 7" in plastic sleeve) called 'Ideal for Living' which contained four tracks. FàC 10 finally stirred the critic's hearts; the reticent foursome were soon loved; release was June '79.''This band has tears in its eyes. Their day is closing in.''(NME) Sounds backlash only took two weeks; is this a record. People ask about Joy Division, people like the people this is being churned out for. Ian Curtis is the singer and lyric writer; he's just starting to use a guitar onstage; his dancing style has been patented. Steve Morris plays drums (inc. Synar as on 'Insight and S.L.C') and doesn't like doing interviews if it means he's going to miss his tea. Peter Hook(Hookey) plays bass, shimmys a bit with a bent back stance and ts now driving a 'D' reg Jag Mark 10 (£55). He wants to do a Musical, like Oklahoma. Bernard Dickins plays guitar; he was a designer and is called Barney. Manager is Rob Gretton. of FAC 13

FAC 11: Exodus or An Exodus; English Black boys; exactly that and it's also the ti tle of the song; black youth anthem on 45 12inch. They come from Hulme/Moss /Range. Recorded at cargo Rochdale in June; still waiting for Producer, Denis Bovell to Mix it down; he's in the Bahamas this week, on holiday. Now he's got a reasonable economy...will be released....when Denis gets back....when?

FAC l2: The Distractions; 'Time goes by so slow' 7inch 45rpM B/W Pillow fight. Reminds the Managexent of AAustinTexas 66 but take your choice. 'lyrical, sophisticated, dynamic (NME)(who's paying this guy). Distractions are Manchester five piece who signed to island Records on Sep 18th '79, due to irresistible desire to play the game. This single has sold oùt its first 4,200 (2,000 labels went down at the Factory..youve got probleMs) reprint and press under way even now. First release on Sep lst '79. The boys and ? are evn now preparing to support the Undertones..thank you asgard, and will be passing everybody's way in late October

FAC 13: Joy Division; 'Transmission bw f Novelty'. ''Dance dance dance dance dance to the radio'' but will they. I.E. the radio one game. 0ut in Mid october, just in time to Miss(by days) Joy Divisions country wide tour supporting
Buzzcocks .All these supports/crutches/friends of Mine etc. 'Novelty' is just that being the first song they ever wrote two years ago. 'Transmission was premiered, showcased even, on BBC 2's 'Something else show on Sep 15th '79. Should Factory choose(that's another illusion) to play the
chart game with FAC13.....negotiations under way even now with big stall owners; J.Lydon:"we employ them.don't they understand". We're not sure they do:further instalment next Month.

FACT14 : The Durutti Column;12" LP 33 and a third. Instrumental album by (as in composed/played) Vinny Reilly and Gordon Smith guitar. Produced by Martin Hannett, to be issued in Mid october in sandpaper sleeve plus Flexi disc test card by Confusacritic time.

FAC l5: 'Zoo Meets Factory half way': Leigh open air pop festival, Bank holiday Monday, Aug 27 '79. Poster and event. C.chaos,Distractions,AcRatio,Teardrop
OMITD, Echo and B.?Joy Division. 'A staggering even'(Se) 300 White on black posters; all put up.

FAc 16: A Certain Ratio; four track demonstration/seven tracks; featuring post- Modern funk classic,'Flight' For possible release(200) on cassette. Lateoct.

FAC 17 & 18 & 19 & 20 & 2l: see next issue. Fraternal greetings to Jean-pierre Turmel, the scala, City Fun, Final Solution,.Naylor's abrasives, KTIM SF,Greg Shaw,Jurgen Kramer,uncle SavagelMorley/penman/Gill/Middles/Bell and of course Uncle John,and Auntie Mary, and Andy Schwartz,printed Noise, Ed Bahlmann, Zercom/pacific/R.T./v.W./and everybody else without whose valiant efforts we would never have been able to hire a lawyer. the only alternative to the spectacle becomes the spectacle of the alternative. Discuss.”
04 Oct 2008
“this reads;



FAC 1: original Factory Poster, designed by P Saville in yellow and black constructivist fashion ; used for opening of the Factory club in May,'78. Featuring Joy Division, the Durutti Column, the Tiller Boys, Cabaret Voltaire, Jilted John, Big in Japan, and Manicured Noise. Sold out'

FAC 2 : A Factory sample; double 7" EP; Joy Divisioh,Durutti Column,John Dowie, Cabaret Voltaire; 'devious, seduce and introduce (NME), 'I wonder what sort of pills he takes. I bet they all speak French too (RM). Design, silver paper in plastic, from Thailand cheaps albums: not cheapo this time... 5,000 in January and February 1979 released on Dec 24th. Sold out.

FA7 3: Second Factory poster; CV,JD, & TBfs. White on Black, simultaneous to Systems of Romance cover; 250, october '79, all put up. 0ne gig.

FAC 4: Third Factory poster covering December gigs. White on black drawn to left. All put up.
It would be amusing to reprint 1,2,3 & 4 ; should cash-flow or distribution (posters) permit it may happen, and theh again....

FAC 5: A Certain Ratio; 'àll night party': & 'The thin Boys 7" single; 'rudimentary skills with more panache and imagination than most since the Sex Pistols (MM), 'messy modern music (NME) 'dark'(CF). 5:000 in May '79.
Not sold out due to lack of response from the music press (ghouls). 0nly Savage of MM understood; and K Feeds for the prime reason that when ACR played the Acklam Hall he was the only person as incapably drunk as they were. A four (they look 'early piece they have now added a drummer, the funk direction and are apparently selling well in San Francisco. see FAC 16

FAc 6: Orchestral Manoevers in the Dark; 'Electricity' & 'Almost' 7" 45 rpm Cult hit, discos even. 5,000 in May '79 in blaçk on black thermographed sleeves. Sold out. Record now licensed to Dindisc, Virgin's new label; to engage in the chart game as of sep 28 '79. necessity for licensing 'the best example of this to date (NME) is regretted but the big stall holders seem to fill the squares (chart shops) and subletting is an enforced activity. news; OMITD , both of them are about to sign a major record contract, who with.... ask Cheater Valentino. That's OMITD manager/
Mixer: be has changed his name. The boys are support on the Tubeway Army tour. Thanks, Gary: huh

FAC 7: This is It; finished product will be thermographed grey on white onion skin paper, probably finished by 1981, maybe we can sell some. NB FAC 9

FAC 8: Factory egg timer; menstrual art, designed by Linder (secret Public, Ludus, orgasm addict montage). Still on drawing board; a four bar abacus; 7 beads to the row final five, blood soaked lint; looking for a ManuFACTORer.
Perhaps on sale in inaccessable places by Christmas.

PAC 9 : factory Flick; 8ml film, 12 minutes. Based on article in City Fun Fanzine by Liz Naylor, 'No city Fun' Music br Joy Division; FàC 9 also includes All Night Party, a three dilute Lelouch/popeye is erotic 30's poses voltage with music by ACR . plus Red Dress,a cartoon/nw4matton/unlive action 3 minuter to music by Ludus. These films were shown at the Scala Cinema, Tottenham Court Road,London on September 13th '79. A showing at the Manchester Factory is being planned; also shown at Scala was another 8ml film by Malcolm Whitehead (The first three are by Charles Salem) all about guess who.. JD.. includes live footage ot JD at the Bowdon Vale youth club doing Shadwoplay and She's Lost Control. FAC FLIK plans... tentattve..include an allspeaking film by Mr Whitehead and a spy/thriller/Joseph Conrad/suspense piece by Charles Salem featuring an ACR sound track.”
04 Oct 2008
“this is guy being fixed up with a multi-camera holding device used for the video 'Buddha With Mace'. Joel Rock (chef to the stars) is fitting a homemade contraption that each holds a small camera. Guy then had to walk from Piccadilly Station to the bus station in the peak loony-hour of a saturday night, as drunken mayhem ensued around him (possibly hence the unhappy face!). quite nerve-wracking. filmed by Soup Collective... (i think it's on the Leaders...DVD)”
03 Oct 2008

Bands / Artists added

Andy Rourke 42 items
At Swim Two Birds 4 items
Autechre 10 items
The Beep Seals 2 items
Bola 0 items
Broken Glass 12 items
C.P. Lee 106 items
The Cherrys 4 items
The Closed 1 item
Cortina Deluxx 2 items
Curvilinear 1 item
Denis Jones 7 items
Dub Federation 8 items
Ed Banger 34 items
Elektric Milk 1 item
The Family Foundation 2 items
Flea 8 items
Foot Patrol 7 items
The Hamsters 21 items
Jenny McCormick 1 item
Johnny Roadhouse 4 items
Jon Thorne 1 item
Karima 1 item
Kerosene 31 items
Kid Captain 1 item
The Knights Of Shite 7 items
Kreeps 0 items
Liz Green 9 items
M.C. International 1 item
The Macc Lads 25 items
Machine Gun Feedback 9 items
Mark Raymond And The Crowd 0 items
The Measles 1 item
Metro Trinity 11 items
Mike Harding 15 items
The Moonrakers 4 items
My Side Of The Mountain 3 items
The Otto Show 5 items
The Paiges 1 item
Performance (1978-1982) 10 items
Peter Cowap 4 items
Powerhouse 1 item
Prince Hammer 5 items
Robinson 7 items
Secret Society 4 items
Shire Horses 1 item
Sound Of Confusion 1 item
Starless & Bible Black 3 items
Street Machine 4 items
Subterfuge 4 items
Sugar Merchants 4 items
Surgical Supports 21 items
T'challa Grid 2 items
Table 0 items
Tentigo 1 item
The Ting Tings 13 items
Tom Barnes 1 item
Tracey Elizabeth 7 items
The Trend 5 items
Wonky Alice 31 items

DJs added

Balearic Mike 8 items
Barney (Doodlebug) 30 items
Buckley 8 items
Chad Jackson 18 items
Chubby Grooves 54 items
Dave Booth 74 items
Dave Haslam 184 items
Dean Wilson 17 items
Debbie Jump 3 items
Elliot Eastwick 60 items
Glitch 0 items
Graeme Park 72 items
Greenfingers 1 item
Greg Fenton 35 items
Greg Wilson 26 items
Hewan Clarke 28 items
Jam MCs 24 items
James 'Boggy' Holroyd 51 items
Jason Boardman 28 items
Jayne Compton 24 items
Jimla 0 items
John Burgess 1 item
John McCready 38 items
Johnny Abstract 28 items
Jon DaSilva 71 items
Justin Robertson 120 items
Kath McDermott 80 items
Legolab 0 items
Luvdup (Adrian and Mark) 31 items
Marc 'Lard' Riley 17 items
Marcus Intalex 20 items
Mark Radcliffe 14 items
Martin Brew 10 items
Mike Pickering 157 items
Mike Shaft 19 items
Moonboots 24 items
Patrick Peach 0 items
Paul Benney 1 item
Paul Rae 20 items
Paul Taylor 7 items
Paula & Tabs 5 items
Pete Robinson 28 items
Philippa Jarman 37 items
Piers Vaughan 0 items
Richard Hector-Jones 33 items
Richard Searling 10 items
Rob Bright 33 items
Rob Gretton 33 items
Rob Hall 3 items
Russ 32 items
Russ Winstanley 7 items
Sasha 43 items
Stu Allan 30 items
Tim Lennox 65 items
Tintin 60 items
Tom Wainwright 24 items
Trafford Lovething 5 items
Tree-horne 1 item
Unabombers 60 items
Versivo 0 items
Woody (Burnley) 2 items
Woody (Fat City) 54 items

Places added

Abbotsfield Park, Trafford 3 items
Alexandra Park, Manchester 170 items
Boddington's Brewery, Manchester 6 items
The Carlton Club, Whalley Range, Manchester 8 items
City Of Manchester Stadium (Etihad Stadium), Manchester 7 items
Club 57, Oldham 8 items
Club Colour, Manchester 0 items
Club J, Manchester 0 items
Consorts, Manchester 1 item
The Dance Factory, Bolton 4 items
Deeply Vale (Festival), Rochdale 26 items
Dr Livvys (Bar Grill), Manchester 2 items
The Exit, Manchester 1 item
The Gallery, Manchester 126 items
Granby's, Manchester 3 items
Heaton Park, Manchester 47 items
Islington Mill, Salford 113 items
Isobar, Manchester 6 items
Jackson's Pit, Oldham 2 items
Jerusalem, Manchester 0 items
The Kitchen, Manchester 9 items
Klondyke Bowls Club, Manchester 41 items
Kro Bar, Manchester 5 items
Leigh Festival, Wigan 3 items
The Lowry, Salford 15 items
Maine Road (MCFC), Manchester 38 items
Manchester Central Library, Manchester 11 items
Manchester Polytechnic, Manchester 82 items
Manchester University (see Academies), Manchester 97 items
The Mineshaft, Manchester 3 items
Nia Centre, Manchester 11 items
The Phoenix Club, Bolton 8 items
Piccadilly Records, Manchester 78 items
Platt Fields (Festival), Manchester 38 items
The Plaza Super Cinema And Variety Theatre, Stockport 1 item
PSV Club, Manchester 68 items
Quay Bar, Manchester 1 item
Rockies, Manchester 8 items
The Royal Exchange, Manchester 36 items
The Royal Oak, Manchester 2 items
Russell Club, Manchester 153 items
The Squat, Manchester 37 items
Suburb (Coffee Shop), Manchester 0 items
The Thatched House, Manchester 3 items
TJ Davidson's (Rehearsal and Recording Studio), Manchester 15 items
Top Twenty Club, Oldham 1 item
Victoria Theatre, Salford 1 item
Wheatsheaf Hotel, Manchester 2 items
Wigan Pier, Wigan 9 items
Wilbraham Road Railway Station, Manchester 4 items
The YMCA, Manchester 2 items