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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 57 new artefacts, 13 new members, 4 new people and places.


Joined 30th July 2011



Latest Discussion

“Thanks JSZ whats your name so I can credit you. Please can you email me at and let me know. Cheers Chris”
30 Apr 2015
“May thanks. Whats your name so I can credit you. Please email me at Cheers Chris”
30 Apr 2015
“Fantastic, whats your name so I can put you in the credits. Can you please email me at Cheers Chris”
30 Apr 2015
“Hi 1963. I think I might have been in touch with you before about the documentary that I'm doing about the hacienda. All of my profits are going to kidneys for life and Cancer research.

Did you take the mike p photo, if so would I be able to use it in my film.

And do you own the decks?

Cheers Chris”
08 Feb 2015
“Hi Dale, I'm making a documentary about what happened to the parts of the Hacienda when they knocked it down, all profits are going to charity.

I've asked NME who own the rights to MM articles can I use any press cuttings, they said yes. Is it possible I can use your pic of this & the 'Hassle at the Hacienda' article?

If so, could you take some high res pics and please email them to me at

08 Sep 2014
“Hi Pure,
I'm making a doc. about what happened when the hacienda was knocked down & sold at auction. All of my profits are going to Kidneys for Life. Do you think I could use a pic of your I Carpets flyer from the Hacienda? If so could you please take a close up pic of it.

29 Dec 2013
“Hi Mat, I'm making a documentary with the profits going to Kidneys for Life. We interviewed Clint Boon who mentioned the Electric Circus, amongst other people. Do you think we could use the picture of your ticket in the film if we credit you?

Many thanks
29 Dec 2013
“Hi Dub, Thanks for letting me use you Tube ad for my Hacienda doc. Is it poss. I can include this newsletter pic with Bernard Manning aswell?
10 Nov 2013
“Hi Withy, I'm making a doc. about what happened when the hacienda was knocked down and sold off. All profits to kidneys for life.

Can I please use your Fac51 smiths advert?
10 Nov 2013
“Hi Dubwis-er, I'm making a doc. about the Hacienda (profits to Kidneys for Life), any chance I can use your scanned advert of when 'The Tube visits the Hacienda'
15 Oct 2013