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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 83 new artefacts, 17 new members, 10 new people and places.


Joined 16th January 2011



Latest Discussion

“Yeah I have him on my facebook Dave. Not seen Vinny for a few years but he's still at Oldham Hospital as far as I know”
24 Apr 2015
“Steve & Bernard Maylett & Andy barcoe, good band these were”
22 Apr 2015
“If you are who I think you are I took over on guitar after you left
(Ex ted?)”
22 Apr 2015
“My old punk band Nervous Breakdown were due to play here with The Frantic Elevators. Myself and the bass player and singer went up there with the frantics in their mates VW van, but our drummer who was supposed to be meeting up with us there never turned up. so The frantic Elevators had to do it alone. I'm glad they did. half the Oldham Rugby team usurped the stage half way through their set and got a grip of mick and forced him to sing yellow Submarine with them. Poor lad was visibly shaking”
07 Feb 2011
“I remember Helen interviewing us for that fanzine in Pips nightclub. She was lovely but rather put out when we verbally abused her and her middle class accent lol”
05 Feb 2011
“The Electric Circus 2 was on Fennel street a few doors up from Pips. It was in a club that was was originally called Rowntrees. I know this for a fact because I played there. But it was a short lived venue and I think it reverted back to a disco afterwards.

I presume the ticket or flyer above was at a different venue that was only open for a short while. It couldn't have been open long otherwise I would have gone there.”
05 Feb 2011
“Nervous Breakdown used this venue as a rehearsal room during the day. I think Micky the singer knew the owner”
17 Jan 2011
“no it was a short lived club. We played there once supporting The Suburban Studs and Skrewdriver. Wasn't a great venue”
17 Jan 2011
“wow I remember those suits, all that was missing was the red noses”
17 Jan 2011
“was a great early venue this. We played there with Nervous Breakdown many times with bands like The Distractions, John The Postman, Frantic Elevators ect. My first ever gig was in this venue, I was just turned 15”
17 Jan 2011

Bands / Artists added

Fatman 0 items
Nervous Breakdown 16 items
Raindance 3 items
Trax 0 items