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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 65 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Joined 26th December 2010


Nyquest Ltd

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“Yes was a strange gig really..very small but i was behind a camera and concentrating on that and the crew not getting in the way...very small stage”
27 Apr 2022
“I was there, I remember Liam walking on saying 'how's it goin' Owen' Owen Morris was doing front of house ..I think.”
27 Apr 2022
“This gig was filmed & recorded by me & a mate for the record label BMG with a couple of cameras. We were starting in the business Nyquest Limited.”
23 Jan 2017
“I had a part time job in the early 90's for Royal Mail parcels one of my deliveries was Square One.I went in a few times with parcels then Around 93 I had a parcel for The Stone Roses I was a big fan I went in one day & they were jamming they let me hang around for a while. Couldn't believe my luck.Straight after that I enrolled on a course at Spirit Studios studios. That was a turning point for me I'm not an engineer I am a now video director making live music DVD's for labels like Universal & working directly for bands.”
02 Jul 2012
“Thanks Martin....Sorry got my facts wrong you are totally correct....was Cherry Vanilla they backed.
They did play with Elecy Chairs...Henri Padovani the original Police guitarist went on to play with them after he was dumped for Andy Summers.”
29 Dec 2010
“I may be wrong here but around this time one Sting, Stewart Copeland & Henri Padovani as The Police were support band.Copeland & Sting also acted as bass & drums for Wayne / Jayne.......Unless that was 78......feel free to correct this!”
26 Dec 2010
“went to the Roachford gig......went to loads at Int 1 & 2... Great venue used to sneak over the balcony upstairs and take loads of pics”
26 Dec 2010
“Indeed it was John Bentham....who lives in St Annes who filmed most of the Hac gigs...he is Outlaw 23.....was also called Visionary.......I know John as he & I both freelance for Cherry Red Records as video consultants.Cherry Red have a stake in Johns archive...which is huge...everything from Divine to The Smiths early Hac gigs......not much can be cleared for release these days...they have tried.”
26 Dec 2010