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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 55 new artefacts, 13 new members, 4 new people and places.


Joined 18th September 2010



Latest Discussion

“Hi Bisonrav,I'll have a rummage round over the next week or two & get back to you”
15 Nov 2016
“Yeah no probs. Help yourself!”
18 Nov 2013
“Help yourself & good luck with it all.”
18 Oct 2013
“No probs.”
02 Oct 2013
“Yeah they were just a couple of lads walking past so got them to jump in the pic.I think we must've been bored and just messin' about.There were 3 in The Dancing Tarantulas,Nasty, Monsta & Tim (Tinkerbell);a group of disperate youths if there ever was one.I was the "manager" to use the term very loosely.As the name suggests they "danced";... again, using the term in its widest possible sense.They were pretty out there and a good laugh though.I have some other flyers/photos/press articles about them.Will get to upload them at some point.”
14 Mar 2013
“As seen in Lynsey Anderson's "The White Bus".”
18 Jan 2013
“The bloody Plaza!?By the time most people got there they were usually too bladdered to care what it looked like.The curries were so hot that you couldn't actually "taste" the dishes but it was about the only place near the city that stayed open that late.If you could avoid slipping in the pools of puke around the door way then it was almost worth it.”
18 Jan 2013
“Great photo!”
15 Nov 2012
“Same,same.Definitely not like the old poly.The old poly was a bit of a dump and had "character" whereas this was a brand newbie with 'eavy 'eavy bouncers to keep out the riff raff and oi polloi, therefore if you weren't a student you had to go through the rigmarole of getting some student type from darn sarf or wherever to kindly sign you they'd always done at the university union, but hadn't bothered with at The Cavendish.It definitely changed the atmosphere because there was nowhere near the mixed bag of people and the occasional nutter to spice it up.They did put on good bands though.....and cheap beer;usually in plastic glasses though and sometimes those horrible wobbly ones.
Oh yeah, Yukio Tani...I remember them...In fact if memory serves, for some very odd reason the guitarist in the band asked me would I like to be the singer as the previous one, a certain Muppet, ex Armed Force frontman and general man about town, had done one and the band were obviously desperate as I could barely whistle in the bath,never mind hold a choon,especially such Armed Force classics as "Moss Side My Home Town", "Cancer Ward" and newer ditties I had to try and learn.The practice rooms were called U Turn Studios beneath an old swimming baths in Hyde I think....? Anyway I remember it was f#@kin' freezing!Well after a couple of rehearsals I thought I was getting to grips with this singing in a band malarky and reckoned it was only a matter of time before The Albert Hall and a Royal Variety show beckoned. But I was wrong!Things didn't work out, due to "musical differences" as I recall i.e not being able to sing, as well as trying to throw in the odd Gary Glitter classic double-take look, with a bit of Alvin Stardust's beckoning black glove to add to the flavour....
And so I did the walk of shame and I may or may not have heard a slow hand clap....Well at least I gave it a "red hot go"as the say round these here parts .But it was you Abdom, it was you...I coulda been a contender,I coulda been somebody...etc.
Well I'm sure I didn't make all of it up?Then again......
I'll post up a flyer for Yukio Tani at the Dancing Weasel, don't think it's up here yet....? (Haven't been on here for ages and I've still managed to crap on!No change there then...)”
12 Nov 2012
“I'm with you on that one Abdom;probably me fave place from my youth, with The Old Conti and a bit later Legends not far behind.It was more like a social thing really and often the bands were just part of the night's entertainment rather than it just being about them.Of many of the bands I know I saw there quite a few I don't really recall 'cos we'd be up the back near the bar area having the craic and often not paying that much attention to the bands.Well it was more about having a good night out really....The odd time you were skinters or couldn't get in you could get a couple of crates/ bins,stand in that entry where that red car's parked and watch through the window;not quite like being "at" the gig though.Before I ever started going there,round mid '77, older hippy types used to also call it The Art College,maybe 'cos skinning up was considered an art form.It's defo still there though and I think it's used by the council as an archive for old photos 'n that.”
12 Nov 2012

Bands / Artists added

1 Nation 1 item
7 Shots 1 item
The Adult Net 31 items
All Over The Carpet 2 items
All Survivors Band 1 item
The Angle Factor 2 items
Ashcan School 2 items
Baron Von Nasty 3 items
Bathroom Renovations 4 items
Beef 2 items
Bell Goes Chime 1 item
Belle Elmore 1 item
Bernie Hot Hot 2 items
Big Jim White 2 items
The Big Lift 1 item
The Blue Zone 4 items
The Board 2 items
Bob Dillinger 9 items
Bone 1 item
Bradford 44 items
Breaking Glass 2 items
Brian And Michael 2 items
Claire Mooney 12 items
Clive Gregson 5 items
The Clock Strikes 13 1 item
The Cygnet Ring 3 items
D.N.A. 1 item
The Dancing Spliffs 1 item
Deep Sea Jivers 2 items
The Devil Fish Horn Club 4 items
Direct Works 3 items
Disjunct 7 items
Divine Inspiration 2 items
Double C2 Electro 3 items
Dutch Uncle 5 items
The Earwigs 4 items
Escalater 4 items
Esposito 1 item
Ewan MacColl 5 items
F-siders 1 item
The Fates 1 item
Fire Balloons 2 items
Flesh Puppets 2 items
The Floating Adults 9 items
Fontana Mix 1 item
Fragile Friends 1 item
Friends Of Dorothy 1 item
Friggin Brigadiers 1 item
Frogbox 0 items
Frontier 2 items
Fruits Of Passion 1 item
Gino And The Gorehounds 3 items
Gondwana 1 item
Gone To Earth 19 items
Grandad Roberts And His Son Elvis 1 item
Henry Normal 11 items
I'll Show Harry 8 items
Islanders 1 item
Javelo 7 items
Judge Happiness 3 items
Kantomanto 3 items
Katch 22 0 items
Kevin Seisay 8 items
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 2 items
Knowing Irene 6 items
Krispy 3 20 items
The Learning Process 4 items
The Legion 2 items
The Liars 2 items
Live For The Weekend 6 items
Look Twice 2 items
Mad For Lamps 1 item
Mad Jacks 15 items
Mambo Square 3 items
Mooksie Hoot And The Cocktail Party 2 items
Naked In Winter 0 items
New Morning 13 items
Next Big Thing 1 item
Object Action 1 item
The Old Men 3 items
The Pack 1 item
The Paperboys 12 items
Passion Day 3 items
Patch Party 1 item
Penny Priest 21 items
Pepplekade 14 8 items
The Perfect Name 3 items
Peter Hook 151 items
Playing With Fire 1 item
Prezense 1 item
Project X 2 items
Raising Cain 2 items
The Realistics 1 item
Ritmo Rivals 1 item
Rob Gray 12 items
Royal Family And The Poor 10 items
The Rubberneks 3 items
Russians Eat Bambi 1 item
Sad Amongst Friends 1 item
Safe For Now 2 items
Shark Vegas 1 item
Shout Bamalam 1 item
The Spurtz 5 items
The Stems 5 items
Steve Coogan 2 items
Sword Of Jah Mouth 4 items
T2 Bad 1 item
Thirst 6 items
Tora 6 items
Tribal 4 items
Twelve Tribes Of Israel 1 item
Venus Flytrap 6 items
Vini Reilly 46 items
Vitamin Bible 1 item
Whalley Range Allstars 2 items
White Trash 1 item
Wild Honey 4 items
Willumwozzum Bullumbuzzum 13 items
Woden 0 items
Yes-Sir 3 items
The Yo Yos 0 items

DJs added

Baron Hi Fi 16 items
Bubblers Sound 2 items
Chris Crooks 1 item
Dave Everson 1 item
Dave White 1 item
DJ Auss 13 items
Frontline 2 items
Hedd 9 items
Ian Levine 4 items
Jim Reeve 2 items
Joe Strong 12 items
Junior Holder 2 items
Kev Roberts 1 item 4 items
Lorna Gee 1 item
Madhatter 4 items
Megatone Massive 11 items
Mick Hucknall 31 items
Paulo Hewitt 1 item
President Sound 3 items
Saxon 1 item
Scottsman 11 items
Simon Gibson 1 item
Steve Barker 7 items
Steve Walsh 1 item
Tom Smith 3 items
Tony Grebb 1 item
Tony Walton 2 items

Places added

Aaben Cinema, Manchester 6 items
Adam And Eve's, Manchester 4 items
Affleck's Palace, Manchester 36 items
Al's Music Cafe, Manchester 3 items
Bali Hoo, Oldham 1 item
Baron's Records, Manchester 1 item
Birchfields Park, Manchester 1 item
Birley High School, Manchester 1 item
Bus Stop Records, Manchester 1 item
Chorlton Park, Manchester 4 items
Corn Exchange, Manchester 5 items
Ducie Central, Manchester 1 item
Edgar Wood Centre, Manchester 2 items
Fielden Park, Manchester 0 items
Hero's, Manchester 21 items
Hulme Carnival, Manchester 17 items
Kittyman Club, Oldham 1 item
Marylins, Manchester 1 item
Moss Side Community Centre, Manchester 10 items
Murray's Music City, Manchester 3 items
The New Hero's, Manchester 9 items
Old Steam Brewery, Manchester 8 items
Piccadilly Station, Manchester 2 items
Record Shack, Manchester 2 items
Robinson's Records, Salford 3 items
The Screaming Beaver, Stockport 1 item
Scruples, Manchester 1 item
St Brendan's, Manchester 1 item
St Wilfrid's, Manchester 2 items
Unity Night Club, Manchester 4 items
Wythenshawe Forum, Manchester 12 items