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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 55 new artefacts, 13 new members, 4 new people and places.


Joined 22nd November 2009



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“The Plaza was part of Didsbury College life in the 1970s. How times have changed, today people go out for a curry and drinks mid evening and then maybe onto a pub.
In the 70s you only went after the pub, usually when drunk and didnt drink with the curry. Certainly if you drank water(the only drink available in murky plastic glasses) during a Plaza you got hiccups and had no chance of finishing your half suicide, which was the main aim of going in there.
I can still see the yellow rice with slithers of chicken or something else lying on top and the battered tin bowl full of black suicide sauce.
However I do have to say I became addicted and really enjoyed them after catching the al night bus from Parrs Wood and yes Charlie was a star.”
25 May 2018
“I remember regular late night sorties on the allnighter buses from Didsbury. Loads of yellow rice, thick back/brown suicide suace on top of a few dodgy looking shreds of supposed chicken, but it was great!. the sauce came in battered aluminium bowls.”
18 Feb 2013