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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 64 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Joined 2nd September 2022



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“Hay! Hi Alf and Vince,
Yes most of that info about me is correct, can't think where it came from though? maybe Ian. Yes Alf I got into cycling about 28 years ago now and much the better for it too. Ian has mentioned some of the stuff you had put out either on f/buk or somw other social site but wasn't able to open it or contact you. Anyway quite interesting that we both got into the cycling, I'm also back into motorcycling too abroad. So are you still in Wythenshawe? Good to hear your doing ok, bye for now.
Hi Vince, yes for my sunlight (and starlight) fix I do spend some winter time in the chihuahuan desert of west Texas. I had completely forgotten you holding the drums for me at that gig. Remember that time at Holcombe brook in the fungi growing season? happy days. How's your lad doing? I believe your in contact with Ian on a fairly regular basis. My other brother (drove us to gigs in his van) now lives only a couple of hundred yards from Ian, I”
02 Sep 2022