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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 64 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Joined 11th August 2009



Latest Discussion

“Duke Ozzie was the DJ when TheStill played their first ever gig at the Lex Motor co Christmas dinner dance 1978. The Still line up was Taff Davies drums bill Hallam bass Richard singleton guitar vocs nd Peter neal guitar vox. The Duke told the bewildered audience who had been expecting a cabaret act that "the Beatles had to start somewhere" 35 years later the Still are still trying hard!”
21 Nov 2012
01 Jul 2012
“Hey Ozitl. We were on same day as Hillage I have no idea who played after us or what time he was on. But in geographic terms we were on before Hillage. :) I just remember the joint rolling comp and that our set included a cover of New York City by T Rex. Do you have any recordings of our band from that day at all?”
01 Jul 2012
“I was in the Still- we played before Steve Hillage. We had to pause during the set whilst the finalists of the "Longest Joint" competition came on stage in order for the winner to be decided. Great days”
01 Jul 2012
“We salute you Johnny Beaver- you havent aged a bit. Now in The Still.”
11 Aug 2009

Bands / Artists added

The Shouters 0 items
The Still 3 items