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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 55 new artefacts, 13 new members, 4 new people and places.


Joined 25th July 2009


Martin Ryan

Latest Discussion

“Could it have come from a line in the Tennessee Williams play, ‘The Glass Menagerie’? One of the 4 main characters Tom is known to his friend Jim as Shakespeare, because he wrote poetry in breaks at work. In one scene Jim refers to Tom’s sister as, “Shakespeare’s Sister”.”
01 Oct 2022
“Hi Simon. I can Email Dave and pass on your Email address I've still got his address from sending him the tracks”
15 Apr 2020
“Ok I can send them as MP3 attachments. Simon I’ll send you a friend request on Facebook so you can let me have your email address on Messenger. Andrew do you want me to pass my address on via MDM admin? They did that last time for Dave.”
15 Apr 2020
“Hi Andrew. Of course. Do you want me to send it as an attachment?”
14 Apr 2020
“Hi Simon. Yes I've got the tape in the picture digitised. I can send you them as an attachment if that's ok.”
14 Apr 2020
“Hi Dave. Sorry for not getting back sooner. The site didn’t send me an email when you replied. Yes I’ll make a digital copy. Is it better to put it on a disc or to send the mp3s as an email attachment? There won’t be any cost. I’ve still got a stack of recordable discs that I haven’t used for years.”
03 Nov 2019
“Yes I have still got it. I don't have a tape to tape machine any more but I could make a digital copy. Were you in the band?

04 Oct 2019
“This was 1985 Andy. I noticed it because I have uploaded much of Acrylic Daze's features on Manchester bands including your review of the Manpower Music Festival.”
06 Oct 2017
“Yes I remember trying to arrange the interview through Savoy but it wasn't easy to get in touch with them. Or maybe it was Proby who was difficult to get in touch with. In the end I learnt that he was living in New Mills which is only a few miles from me. He soon left there but the lady he had been staying with gave me Jack Venet's number, who set things up.”
29 Sep 2017
“Thanks Abs. Been checking my fanzine collection to see which Manchester acts were featured.”
24 Sep 2017

Bands / Artists added

Arthur Kadmon 2 items
Bf118 1 item
Chaos Made Chester 0 items
Coping With Kevin 12 items
Glee Company 6 items
Good For Nothing 1 item
Living Off The Past 1 item
Mudanzas 9 items
On The Beach 1 item
Pieter Egriega 2 items
Pow Joy 2 items
The Slugs 2 items
Swin 0 items
Tom Yates Band 1 item

Places added

Boddingtons Arms, Stockport 1 item
Warehouse 2 1 item

People added

Andy Mitch 23 items
Denise Lloyd 1 item
Karen Shirley 6 items
Paul Doyle 3 items
Paul Morley 41 items
Steve Shy 18 items