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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 64 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Joined 8th March 2009


boy in exile

Latest Discussion

“Well after all these years people remember the words written by Byrne & Tickle- Additional Lyrics
Three in a cell that was meant for one
There is No Daylight and There is no Sun
You think they are Bothered
Your are Not Their Son
You think they are Bothered
Your are Not Their Son
You think they are Bothered
Your are Not Their Son
You think they are Bothered !
Chorus as above -”
28 Sep 2012
“Hey- this brings back memories of those great nights at smugglers - phil ellis was a great promoter & supporter of new bands and he recorded a few of these nights- do you know if footage of any other exists from the period.”
26 Dec 2011
“Hi Wwoodsman, Later that Night Cook and Jones spent the night drinking at the cyprus tavern, did not go to the gig but was almost floored to see two of my biggest music idols in a back street drinking den like the cypress tavern”
19 Jun 2010
“In about 1979-81 a guy we knew as Portland Bill used to put midweek bands on there - he would give you a showcase, then if you drew a small crowd and he liked you he would give you your own gig and pay you £20 - Mike sweeney was a regular down there as were other radio types - not sure how long the live music lasted”
16 Nov 2009
“just noticed one of the bands at the buzz club - had a notion that Adam may have been in one of those on the bill on the 24th-”
05 Nov 2009
“Out of the Blue was a great little studio we rehearsed there from about 82-84 and recorded a couple of times with Adam who was a really nice chap- My memories of it are of a studio clouded in smoke from dubious plants with a small tv room that had videos like Erazerhead playing on a loop.
Whilst we were there an incarnation of the fall rehersed there, 80s popster Carmel plus loads of others, steve diggles flag of convienience rehearsed round the corner. We would go in the Edinburgh castle in between rehersals. Couple of pints of wilsons made the sound a lot better. even if it was not.”
05 Nov 2009
“Hi Mitch- we did work with you it was the time of the dammed gigs, blitz, vice squad, anti pasti, dead kenedies, anglic upstarts, GBH, Exploited, Chron gen, Crash from hebden bridge, gorton beano boys, Oi the dennis even gary bushel cameddown

did you do some dj stuff there at the club- cyrill it was- I was Paul from salford- still am but live in east anglia- returned to music in 2005 and do my bit for new bands- you cant beat live music for the buzz - this is a top site- all the best”
17 Oct 2009
“he may have sang with them, great lad, great times we must have been to many of teh same gigs mate- nice one”
16 Oct 2009
“i thought the rejects gig was great was on the same coach and have my ticket

the previous first gig in MCR at the Osborne club was truly scarey great music scary night”
14 Oct 2009
“they arrivd well in time and Mr Scabies, the captain Mr Dave V and I think algy wa bassist cant be sure they changed so many times at that point could have been paul gray at that period but may be wrong all in good spirits and with banter with the crowd and crew

One of cyrills finest bookings- they were paid i think £500 plus a beer and sandwich rider delivered to a very dingy upstairs which bizzarley for a young 17 year old already had these amazing girls waiting for them. The mayflower -”
14 Oct 2009

Places added

Moon Under Water, Deansgate, Manchester 3 items
Morrisseys, Salford 1 item