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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 64 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Joined 1st October 2008



Latest Discussion

“Im still flying the punk flag chaps as the Ukulele Punk

12 Oct 2009
“I was at this too!! Ian Pearson of Varicose Veins was our mate.
I can remember the singer Aninal wearing some kind of box thing over his groin because of all the bottles thrown at them?
Good times...”
02 Apr 2009
“Re Varicose Veins, they were so crap they were brilliant.
We used to knock about with the singer Ian Pearson, think hes in Sweden now.
Played there myself in a band called 'The Shits' on New years eve 1981 or 2?
We were all from Ramsbottom which had a great punk crowd at the time and some decent bands too, Bezurk was another one.
Great site!! Loads of good memories thank you”
01 Oct 2008

Bands / Artists added

The Shits 0 items
Ukepunk 0 items