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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 57 new artefacts, 13 new members, 4 new people and places.


Joined 1st January 2008



Latest Discussion

“I remember Black Sedan, they had loads of boots which you didn't see anywhere else. They had a Garrard 401 deck which I used to drool over and they were always burning joss sticks.!!!! You went upstairs to the shop straight off the street, then they moved to near the Pheonix.”
17 Aug 2013
“Went for a meal with Foo Foo after closing time one night, there was 4 of us in his company, and he paid for all of us. Lovely Fella, he offered us a lift home in his Roller as well.!!!”
17 Aug 2013
“Hello there bilko21, johnmac here, my e mail addy is if you want to get in touch. My memories are a bit vague nowadays though.!!!”
17 Aug 2013
“Am I right in believing that the slide show was shown to Abbadons Bolero??? Memory is a bit vauge nowadays..!!!”
26 May 2013
“I saw Focus, ELP , Yes , Dr Feelgood at the Hardrock. The TV Prog was called Lift Off with Ayesha. I remember the huge 10 foot speakers all around the dance floor.!!! When ELP were on, a giant Armadillo with guns came out on rails into the audience, firing stones, great stuff..!!!”
26 May 2013
“yes i used to lodge with chris and was good mates with john.when grebbses car got nicked,so did all my singles as they were in his boot.floyd went to live in oldham,as i did,but we lost touch.san,t remember the djs name but he was a big fat lad with glasses.
favourite bands were,floyd,home,hendrix,wishbone,alex harvey,free,tull,badfinger.”
16 Jun 2010
“used to know floyd well,he used to crash on my sofa loads of times,his air bass was legendary.grebbs and i started on the same night when the regular dj did not turn up.dave degg was the manager,betty his wife was barmaid,along with john and christine.i was the good looking bastard with the long black hair and porno tache.!!graham got pissed off with brian and left to open the electric circus in collyhurst.he offered me a dj job but i turned him down,soft twat.
i had my 21st piss up there,in 76 the hot summer,and got that pissed i was thrown out by arthur [lovely man.] 3 times,and sacked twice.!!HAPPY DAYS.!!! Names i can remember,mick,and pete from failsworth,diane,joan,ian,roger,from the band home grown,floyd,grebs,john,nige,tony.its all a bit hazy as you can imagine..!!!!”
16 Jun 2010
“was at the here and now gig,they did stuff off the new album,theatre.bought a bootleg tape off gavin da blitz called coaxed out from oxford,brilliant band along with gong and atv.”
16 Jun 2010
“sounds about right for waves!!we used to wait in the car in yhe alley for the beer wagon to arrive.we would get a couple of pints off the boss for carrying the lager and bitter barrels upstairs to the top bar.i remember once i dropped the barrel at the top,and it went flying down and demolished the cloakroom wall!!! one of the bands i can remember introducing were called gyro,all of their gear and themselves was too big for the tiny dance floor to hold,but they were brilliant.i next saw them on telly,and i think they had become sad cafe.happy days!!!”
19 May 2009
“i used to dj myself in waves in 76 with graham and grebbler upstairs.mark smith did go,he was always asking for the ny dolls.of course i had none,but used to play bowie and velvets for him,which kept him happy!!i remember the manager was dave degg,he was married to my first girlfriend liz.the bikers were a handfull,had a few scraps with them.the coppers used to search you when you went out for a break,then come back in at 2.30 to have a drink and a game of cards!!!strange,but happy days!!loads of other stories if anyone is interested???”
18 May 2009

Bands / Artists added

Home Grown 5 items
Saphira 0 items

DJs added

John Mccluskey 0 items