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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 64 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Joined 1st January 2008



Latest Discussion

“Hi! I don't know where Dungeons was as I lived some distance from Offerton, but it was always well worth the trip! Do you remember the night the new, big Video Screen fell off the ceiling!? Was it a complete inovation at the time , because I don't remember anyone else having one. I don't think anyone got injured but I'm pretty sure that it disappeared soon after that! Johnny Owen the DJ used to do guest spots there, and I also knew a couple of guys; called Kev Webb and Dave Perera. I suppose it's gone now?”
04 Feb 2009
“I used to know Tony pretty well. It's a small world! We used to go in there a lot. The place had a bit of class about it. Do you happen to remember the "Saturday Night Fever" dance classes that they did!?”
04 Feb 2009
“I remember there were two bars, one on either side of the dancefloor and there were artificial palm trees round it too. The restuarant was somewhere at the side. The stairs were pretty steep, especially if you'd had a few! I think the cloakrooms were quite posh- do they even have them in clubs now? I think for a commercial nightclub it was a bit more up-market because they always had two DJs on and a live band most nights. I don't think these sort of clubs exist now .”
01 Jan 2009
“Thanks to Mat for being able to transfer an old cassette tape which we recorded in Tiffany's back in September 1977, onto a CD which I can now play and so relive the wonderful times I spent in there. Steve Reno was the DJ that evening and is quite a feature on this tape. It does bring back memories! Thanks again Mat for your help- I couldn't have done it without you!”
13 Oct 2008
“I remember at the Parliament gig that no-one sat down anyway.The entire audience stood on the chairs so you had to or you couldn't see and everyone was bouncing about as well. It was so hot that people were passing out from lack of air !”
29 Jun 2008
“Excellent Photo!”
28 Jun 2008
“We also went to see Bootsy Collins at the Apollo. They were supported by Ray Parker Jnr. and Raydio. I've got to say it was probably the Best concert I've ever seen. The Bass Guitar was out of this world and they had a big interactive screen which was unheard of back then. I've been hooked on Bootsy ever since. At the Parliament concert Starchild came down from sky in a Spaceship !”
24 Jun 2008
“The Guy at the front wearing a stripey tie and jacket is Pete Smith. Can't remember where he worked though...”
23 Jun 2008
“I see what you mean! Not sure I can remember though-too many cider and blackcurrant?!”
17 Jun 2008
“Thanks for the compliment,its great that other people are interested in them. I think the privilege pass gave me free admission any night- but if it only cost 10p to get in it wasn't much of a saving!”
16 Jun 2008

Bands / Artists added

Honey 1 item

DJs added

Dave Ross 0 items
Des Layne 0 items
Ed Simons 3 items
Hilary Taylor 0 items
Jonny Owen 5 items
Kevin Webb 2 items
Simon Barton-bates 2 items
Steve Kay 0 items
Steve Reno 0 items

Places added

Bailey's, Oldham 0 items
Blinkers, Manchester 4 items
The Bluebell, Oldham 0 items
The Boardroom, Manchester 2 items
Carriages, Tameside 0 items
Cellar Vie, Manchester 3 items
The Millionaire Club, Manchester 14 items
Northwestward Ho (the Boat), Manchester 0 items
Smarties, Manchester 0 items
The Warren, Tameside 0 items