Here's how to share your memories
1. First of all, have a rack of that gorgeous brain of yours to find some of your favourite Sounds From The Other City memories.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Catching acts before they were famous
(yeah, you know you wanna brag about it)
- Distant memories of historical SFTOC venues
- Funniest thing that happened to you and your pals
- Favourite interaction with a Sounds-going stranger
- Best-dressed performer who crossed your path
- Best song dropped in a DJ set
- Uniquely SFTOC memories, installations, anything...
2. Keep it brief(ish)! The maximum duration of a single memory is
60 seconds.
3. Where did it happen?
Each memory needs to be pinned to a place on our map. We've added all the venues we've ever used, which you can see marked by pins. Use the year filters at the top of the map to show the venues used that year:
e.g. click '2008' at the top and the only pins on the map will be venues used at SFTOC 2008.4. Create an account. This helps us stop spam on the map, but your memory will be anonymous.
- Hit the map. You might want to click ‘find me’ just to help you orientate yourself. (To use this feature your location services on your device will need to be switched on)
- Next, click the pin of the place you'd like to add your memory to. You'll see below the map a box that says 'Add a memory here'.
- First give your memory a good title to get people's attention.
- Then choose a category for your memory. You can choose as many as you like, i.e. ‘friends’, 'afterparties' or 'oddball moments'.
- Next click ‘record’. You have a maximum of 60 seconds to share your memory! You can listen back using the play button and record it again if you are not happy.
***We think it's fun to leave memories with a group of mates!***