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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 64 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Created by Ian Davies


Happy Mondays 'Rave On' 1989

I was fortunate to work with the Happy Mondays during the 'Rave On' 1989 tour that pretty much brought them the international recognition they deserved, after the many years they had been building their sound and local following. The lead singer Shaun Ryder and his younger brother, Paul, had been old school friends of mine from early primary and right through secondary school’s and from one chance meeting, a few years after finishing school, with Paul in local Manchester club, the Boardwalk, I was suddenly getting the opportunity to document what turned out to be one of the biggest bands to come out of Manchester on their breakthrough tour. They rehearsed for the tour at the old CIS insurance building and seemed to spend most of their time playing football in the large hall. The thing I remember most about this time is when you were on the stage and the thumping bass of ‘Hallelujah’ ‘Wrote For Luck’ and my favourite ‘Step On’ were all being performed, hearing the original early sound was just the most unbelievable experience.