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Created 8th July 2016 by OT


Fanzine: God Is A Newt

For me when it comes to Punk, what is so much more interesting than the music, is the culture; especially the 'get up and do it yourself' ethos. Of course I love loads of punk songs, but even more I love the aesthetic of punk. Fanzines are a great part of that DIY movement. Manchester had its fair share of great punk fanzines including Shy Talk, Girl Trouble and Ghast Up. Here's another one - God Is A Newt. Obviously written at home and possibly printed using a broken toaster, I love this fanzine. Elsewhere on this site there is a coloured-in version (with felt tip pen) and this comment from JAI H : "wow thanks for posting that, helen and I had a little hand cranked printer that failed to print so we did indeed have to hand write over everything and colour in with felt pens... later issues were equally shambolic. ".