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Please note: YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT TO MAKE A DONATION. When you click on the Paypal logo, you will be offered the choice of paying securely using your existing debit/credit card or with a Paypal account. Please choose 'Friends & Family' option so we don't pay PayPal fees.
Thank you for choosing to make a donation to Manchester Digital Music Archive Trust, UK registered charity no. 1164179
Manchester Digital Music Archive is a user-led online community archive established to celebrate Greater Manchester music and its social history.
We are a registered charity. The day-to-day running of our online archive is done by volunteers.
We also deliver special community engagement programmes and educational events, which are funded by grant-giving bodies, fundraising events and donations from members of the public.
Donations made to MDMArchive help to cover our online and programme running costs. These include: volunteer training, website hosting, development and maintenance costs; and costs for our special educational programmes, including room hire, equipment hire and project management. Donations allow us build extra features onto our website and improve the user experience for our members. Please note, features such as our regular newsletters, enquiry handling and social media management are done by volunteers.
We endeavour to be a transparent organisation and our accounts can be viewed at any time on the Charity Commission website
Every donation, large or small, can help us achieve the aims and objectives.