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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 57 new artefacts, 13 new members, 4 new people and places.


Added 22nd October 2012 by Abigail

Featured in the following Online Exhibitions:
City Fun: The Hidden History of Manchester's Favourite Fanzine


Buzzcocks, Joy Division, The Fall, Chris Sievey
Grass Roots Books
15th August 1979

Linder, Nicola, Roaring 80s, Andy, Neil, J.C., Martin, J, John, Eddie Manley, Stanley Knife, John D, Irna and Jayne, D.J. Turner, Hyphen, Roger Mitchell, Agapanther 2, Rupert, Ned the Donkey, Ed Thomas, Richard, New Hormones, Jez, Terry, Nick, Kev, Alan's Friend, M.Clancy, Jack, Volunteer Groupy, C.I.D, Fugue, CEE WEEEZ.
Offices: c/o Grass Roots, 109 Oxford Road, Manchester 1
Band On The Hall. Tuesday 1st August.
Manchester Musicians Collective.
Got there and paid in (70p). A large audience for tuesday night. I just caught the last minute of FEATURES (?l?). Made no particular impression other than that they were another 'intresting' variation on the jerk, stop, start, clever, oh so modern, oh so original or oh so bland, whatever can we think_of that no-one else has thought of style of so many collective bands.
Sitting near the back i am talking and drinking. It seams no time before VIBRANT THIGH take the stage. It's only when they play a song with an organ sounding like a violin that i get up from my seat to watch. The songs as normal are fast and rhythmic.
After another break PROPERTY 0F...go on. They sort out their equipement and play a soundcheck. They start their set with the title song Property Of... "Lose all your things and lose your identity/search out(?) your man and live out your fantasy/You're not complete until you have a family/living a lie as somebodies property".
Sitting stage left is the organist. In the middle is the singer, the drummer sits behind her. The guitarist and bass player stand stage right. They hardly move and are concentrating onwhat they play. The organist sometimes sings; the singer occasionally moves/dances, on one song half reads the words from a peice of paper.
The drums are light and are often too quiet. The rhythms are fast and precise. The bass is strong pulsing and thudding at the front of the sound with the organ playing melodies - rhythmic reedy treble. The guitar riffs precisely tight and light. Cleancut fast or slow. The words are delivered/spoken/sung in a quick clear manner. The voice is good.
The songs are female, the band is all women, the songs are short light and prcise. The shadow of the Fall is in evidence: Property Of... prompt me to thought. 2 men leave while others go to the toilet. ‘Nice Girls’, ‘Love Song',"Scream Dream (shot in the Head)', and 'T.V. Heroes‘ are titles of some of the songs they played. The music is danceable as are gang of four and prsg VEC. I cannot be a man and be complacent while they are on stage. The lyrics are feminist.
The band are tight, well rehearsed and exact. They concentrate on their instruments while displaying an obvious empathy. They are obviou sly a band that has grown up behind the barrier of the musicians collective. They show an inte rnal strength but beyond their prescence - we are here saying this- they do not challenge the audience and do not project themselves: perhaps this is not their intention.
They are worth watching, ultimately they are enjoyable. The audience claps and cheers for an encore. We get another, more lively,version of ‘Property Of...‘ ‘Toss all your things and lose your identity/search out(???) your man and live out your fantasy/you8re not complete until you have a family/living a lie as somehodies property."
Andy Zero
Musically new wave pop punk band. A ‘peoples band‘, popular with the kids, and skinheads and people who like good music. Improving continually, an excellent new song with Linda singing me1od1caJl1y... with guitars harmonizing. With an occasslonal exception (‘Attack’) their songs are tota11y at odds with the violence that surrounds them. Enjoyable catchy sound. More on these soon.
Dear City Fun,
! had to write to you cos LAS niqht I saw a real killer band at the Grey hound in stockport called The Still, (I think).
"it's Friday night and I don't really know what to do. In stokport the choice is limited to boozing in terrible pubs or going to the flea pit. The music scene is pretty lousy.
I chose the pub and an evening of boozing. I don't fancy walking far so I go down the road to the greyhound in Adswood. Now this place stinks, but they do put cabaret bands on which stink worse. (Rock around the clock everynight). Anything slightly dangerous is out.
Anyway I go in and can't heleive it cos theres about 35 kids in the place wearing badges with'The still‘ on. I felt old most of the kids were under 18, So I think to myself something could be on here. I ask a kid with a badge on who this band was and he says they're from cheadle and are a riot.
The old fogies who frequent the tavern are expecting to hear the first bars of a Neil Sedaka song as these four kids take the stage, their faces drop, the band actually look exciting, the guitarist in boots and khaki, and the other guitarist and vocalist looking really sharp. Then the music, bang, I can't beleive it, it's loud, it's their own stuff, it's fast slow and medium and got great melody. The reg-ulars can't beleiva ti, the band are laughing their heads off and the kids are dancing. The front man lead guitar+vocals moves so well I think I'm watching Marc Bolan, the rest of them can't stand still. They're really pretty hot, sweating buckets, never hefore seen at the Greyhound where the bands are like statues. The titles of their songs I can't remember except a couple called 'tied,up' and '9.5' which kids were shouting for. Anyway they did the odd cover version and really killed me with ‘Back In The U.S.S.R. (unhip-they don't care they were laughing) and 'Jeepster' [Bolan crops up again). There's nothing more I know about them. I don't know where they're playing next, does anyone know about the still ---Glam Rock lives + the drummers the best I've seen.
from Eddy Manley.
Dear City Fun,
Past Cars are a great group, but why they can't find decent places to gig at or why they don't get a decent record contract is beyond me. I've seen a lot of local Manchester bands and Fast Cars rank in the top three while other good but not as efficient groups find decent groups and have a few records hehind them. I seen em twice now. The last time was at the Birch Hotel in Ashton, they were pushed away in a small corner that only half of their equipement. No fans turned up except me and me mate; Their pathetic situation did not prevent them playing a great lively set. Their own numbers which are easily danceable have the odd who track mixed in. Their sound is fresh and entertaining.
This capable group attracts nearly everyone of the normally ignorant gits attention (NOT GOOD ENGLISH BUT WHO CARES).
Tameside Girls, Surely a hit in the future and 'Why?' Stand out from the set.
I beleive the bend recorded a single in Stockport but they were unhappy with the final product.
Come on now support this promising group, and to the group I don't see why they don't try to play at Dukinfield or Hyde town Hall where there have been some gigs lately. Although not the greatest places they are accessible and can be sure of support. (especially by the G.O.S.)
P.S. Armed Force come back whenever you want,
Property Of;.. - Tuesday Band on the wall. Their playing next tuesday but they were all there this tuesday,except one, but that's of no importance. I came while Gifted Gods were on stage-playing with Prop ov's bassist. I only saw two numbers, one being a nice version of white lite. Then the units came on, I thought of status quo and someone else said "Status Quo", This was the event before The Hoax, they were great, they only did one number. What more can I say except the unit sang nicely about Tony Blackburn, I saw Property of throughout all this, the Singer is so nice and the guitarist nice as well - The singer has got a really nice voice and a lovely smile, I wish I could write a song for her, perhaps I will oneday.Thats all for now.
Written by a Volunteer groupy for the singer of Property of... (aisle B yours)
I've got a crush on the singer of-Property of
I think the singers great of - property of
any and every time She smiles at me I want to
be - property of
I wanna hold the hand of the Singer of
- Property of
I think shes nice and I think shes nice-(Repeat
-ADD Lib + Fade
Gone electric for this tour [has now returned to acoustic performances) . The backing band very competent light new wave folk rock. Very proffesional. Their music drowns out (Mr Fitzgerald hides behind??)Patric Fitzgerald. A11 the fire is gone and what we have is watered down, sold out and shit. "I've sold my soul but I don't care", he wails. Pathetic. I care, he used to be good. I hope he's better now. ‘Backstreet Boys‘ worked well as did one or two other songs. I found this gig bland, boring and dissapointing.

Dear City Fun,
1 thought I would write to tell yuo [obscured] one magnificent gig.
The p1ace'was Dukinfield town hall. (shi [obscured] and the two groups on at this A.N.L. gig were a heavy (shit)metal band from Ashton called F104. Can’t talk about them I was getting pissed at the bar,and ARMED FORCE.
Just before Armed Force were due we hear that the lead singer had been arrested, this is when the violence started. The group were Fucking boiling and so were a large number of fans. After ten minutes of arguments it was decided that all the punks were to go down the cop place and get him out. Shit knows how but that is what was qoinq to happen.
One problem was we didn't know where he was so two lads left on a cop station crawl. Meanwhile Ducky Efiwn Hall was beginning to get wrecked. The group then decided to go on stage with their Female singer and they were good, but they lacked power and drive.
After 20 minutes to a great ovation the lead singer returned from the pigs and in an electric, violent atmosphere, we were treated to the most fuckin amazin set of songs. Two to remember were 'I111terate Homosapiens' and ‘Attack'. which they sang three times. Dancing on the stage I had a great time. Check out this group. I saw em at Stuff the superstars and they were the best group all day.
You feel that this group cares. I reckon everyone enjoyed that violent night. I feel sorry for Dukinfield Town Hall but ANARCHY IN DUKY TOWN HALL RULES OK.

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