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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 57 new artefacts, 13 new members, 4 new people and places.


Added 22nd October 2012 by Abigail

Featured in the following Online Exhibitions:
City Fun: The Hidden History of Manchester's Favourite Fanzine


Buzzcocks, Joy Division, The Fall, Chris Sievey
Grass Roots Books
15th August 1979

Linder, Nicola, Roaring 80s, Andy, Neil, J.C., Martin, J, John, Eddie Manley, Stanley Knife, John D, Irna and Jayne, D.J. Turner, Hyphen, Roger Mitchell, Agapanther 2, Rupert, Ned the Donkey, Ed Thomas, Richard, New Hormones, Jez, Terry, Nick, Kev, Alan's Friend, M.Clancy, Jack, Volunteer Groupy, C.I.D, Fugue, CEE WEEEZ.
Offices: c/o Grass Roots, 109 Oxford Road, Manchester 1

[Written in the margin} OOPS, SHOULDN'T HAVE STUCK THIS HERE
AT DUKINFIELD TOWN HALL. Some of the group and about 20-30 fans are drinking in a pub before the gig. Someone is eating chips, a chip gets dropped on the pool table, the landlord informs them that they are barred, on their way out several glasses and a window get broken. The police are called and several People including 'Muppet' the singer are carted off to the nick. After being held and questioned for an hour or two they are released without being charged- Muppet arriving at the gig as the rest of the band are 1/2 way through their set.
AT ROCHDALE TECH. Nothing to do with the band this one. Armed Force are on stage playing their last song. "Mike' (a person who does not have the build for, and who is known for not taking part in Violence)is stood watching the band, a bouncer comes up to him, accuses him of pushing people about and starts dragging him out of the hall. Meanwhile the band finish their song, they notice Mike being dragged out and tell the bouncer (using the P.A.) to leave him alone. Armed Force Play an encore at the end of which about 30 of their friends are invited on stage, Mike amongst them. Aguy walks up to Mike and says "are you the guy whos been starting fights, come outside".Mike doesn't know who he is and tells him to get lost The guy (who turns out to be a bouncer) headbuts him and thenputs his foot on him and drags mike out along the floor.
I am leaving early for a last bus and see Mike being dragged out by a bouncer who is knocking him about. I walk near and say "Stop knocking my mate about", the bouncer says's, "do you want to start or What";"NO, i just don't want you to knock my mate about". I stood about 3 yards from them. The Bouncer picks up a bottle and smashes the end off it on a bench. Several organisers (R.A.R. People) and people I don't know come over and grab the bouncer. The Whole group of us get taken outside. The group moves up and round a corner. The next thing I notice is that the same bouncer is hitting Mike and Knocking him about. I run over and Jump inbetween Mike and the Bouncer saying "stop fucking fighting". They stop. I am stood there. The next thing i know is that my jaw aches, i am bleeding and i am spinning rather rapidly towards a waste paper basket. Another bouncer had thumped me on the jaw. Apparently he then proceeded to lay into various other people who were stood about. I left for my bus. Mike had several cracked ribs. Numerous other people got damaged.
We hope to find and print the names of the 'bouncers' responsible -such people are not fit for the job. Bouncers are there to prevent violence. Not to start it. This gig was organised by Rochdale R.A.R. We suggest that they ensure that these bouncers never work for R.A.R. again. We suggest that in future R. A.R. vets it's bouncers far more thoroughly. Psychopathic hooligans are not fit to be bouncers. These particular bouncers used to work at the Appollo - 3 of them- and are known for being bastards.
THE FUNHOUSE: Anew club, 'The Funhouse' has opened at the old mayflower club, Birch st, Belle Vue. It's opening night was the 'Stuff the Superstars Special Festival' on the 28th of July. The 'musical' side of the club is managed by Rob Crane and Andy Zero who have issued the following statement:- "Initially we are promoting gigs on Friday and Saturday nights with the last band appearing on stage at 11pm.
We believe that there is plenty of room in manchester for (at least) two major music clubs. Manchester is shaping up to be another San Fransisco. We do not see ourselves as 'in competition' with the Factory. We hope that both The Funhouse and The Factory continue to suceed in putting on good music with good attendance figures- creating an increasingly healthy music 'scene' in Manchester. Have fun."
One feature of The Funhouse is a shop selling cheap records as well as badges, fanzines, etc. Future fun includes The Distractions, The Fall, The Mob, Protex and Fast Cars."
THE LONG AWAITED 'FACTORY FLICK' IS NOW COMPL-ETED. An 8 minute long film. It shows shots of manchester, the city centre, from a speeding car, from tower blocks, the university, the factory, longsight council houses; interspersed between images of the city you see an article being typed out. The articles is called 'No City Fun' and was written by 'James Scarface Anderton (honest)'. Words, afraid, scared, watch, flash on the screen. There is a soundtrack. Two songs by Joy Division provide a perfect backdrop. Grey, insistant, moody music. The film is compulsive instant viewing.
Titled 'No City Fun', made by Charlie, spons-ored by Factory Records. 'No City fun', Afilm of A Certain Ratio and Some early Sex Pistols Footage will be going out as 'A Celluloid Construction' and we hope will be shown at The Factory as soon as possible.
'No city Fun' cost £15 to make. Anyone can make a film. Equipement can be loaned/hired from the North West Arts. We hope to publish more details about this soon.
The original article can be bought in an issue no. 3 of 'City Fun'. Send us 10p + large stamped addressed envelope.
[Laid out on its side]
FANZINE UNION: Some people have started a fanzine union. It met once in London and will be meeting there again. It's aims are to find cheap printing for 'zines,set up national dist ribution , set up a small order service and provide general information for fanzines. Their present address is c/o 130 Wellington St, Luton, Beds. phone NICK BLUETT on (0582) 422273 or Keith on (0582) 67321. They seem to regard it as of some importance to find a 'London HQ' as soon as possible. They hold their meetings in London. We are concerned that it is another attempt by London to organise everything, other than that it seems a good idea. I would suggest that there is no advantage in being London Centred. The less people pander to the whims and dictates of the london culture money vultures all the better. We know london isn't where it's all happenning. We're laughing.
To set the record straight: The Festival was organised by Rob Crane and Andy Zero, not by 'City Fun'. The event was considered an unqualified success. The festival made a profit -over and above it's expenses, as stated this profit has been divided equally between the bands who played there. The Organisers would like to thank all the bands for playing and all the audience for making such a good day of it. Another 'Stuff The Superstars special' festival is being organised for a few months time.
AT THE FACTORY (Almost). Armed Force have told us that they are pissed off about The Factory. Originally they were told that they could have the support slot at the Slaughter And The Dogs gig. They then see it advertised as Victim supporting. Armed Force feel that they have been shit upon and have informed us that they wish it to be known.
The beat goes on................
Andy Zero.
A single by TIM GREEN and one other to be announced will be the last releases by RABID RECORDS who pack up at the end of the year because "it can't go anywhere or do anything further".
It is beleived that the new management at the Factory have 'Rabid' connections. Some other people from'Rabid' have set up Absurd records all absurd music from 'The 48 Chairs', Blah, Blah, Blah, The Mothemen, Gerry and the Holograms.
THE FACTORY. Alan Wise is handing over the management of the Factory to Gwyn Roberts, this entails a 'shuffle round'. Rick Goldstraw is hanging around. Nigel Baguely has been promoted or demoted (depending on your point of view) to bar manager. The following statement was issued:-
"Fuck radio Ethiopia, I want radio Brooklyn". Ex partners Wilson and Wise say, "We've screwed the joint for every penny we can get out of it and we're fucking off now".
"Look out for changes for the better at the Factory, thats what we say."
Mr Wise has fucked off to the south of france to write a book.
Mr Wilson is fucking off to London to work 'behind the scenes' reporting for the BBC.
ORCHESTRAL MANOUVRES IN THE DARK. Their single 'Electricity/Almost' has sold out of it's initial pressing on Factory records. Factory records are arranging a 'licensing deal' with a major company, "either Polydor or Virgin".
GROOVY RECORDShave now got their first release sorted out. 'FREE AGENTS' L.P. (S.T.P. 1), Released Late August, available for £3.33 mail order only. Details of address to follow. Each and every copy will have an original personal inscription in the plastic. 'Personalised copies'.
ZOO records, Liverpools 'premier' record company has just released by 'LORI AND THE CHAMELEONS' a single 'TOUCH/LOVE ON THE GANGES'.
[Written in the margin]
The Fall recently spent a week in Cargo Studios rochdale, recording and mixing their new album. It sounds pretty good, the 3 tracks i've heard are mellower and more rocked-out than 'Witch Trials'. Recorded with no keyboards. Yvonne Paulette has left the Fall - her last gig with them was the 'Stuff the Superstars'.
ARTHUR CADMAN (who wrote the music and played guitar with the original Ludus) has been in the studio with friends recently 'laying down a few tracks' - seriously they sound pretty good and remind me of Pere Ubu. I hope they get released sometime soon.
DOOMSDAY BENEFIT: One tuesday afternoon in Salford there was a 'DOomsday Benefit' gig in someones backyard. I had been told that there were 2'fascist gruops' playing. I didn't go - there is no doubt, facism is wrong.Since been told that this was'a hoax'-i hope thats all it was. The gig took place. THE HOAX set up and played one song lasting about five minutes, then the po lice came and stopped them.
THE DISTRACTIONS and ELTI FITS should both have singles released on FACTORY records soon.
OUT OF TOWN: No. 2 is available (though I can't find an address). Given away free it covers Stockport and south manchester areas and is pretty hot on gigs etc round there.

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