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Added 16th October 2012 by abdom


Manchester Polytechnic Cavendish House

Cavendish House
This was my all time fave venue it was the Manchester Poly students union until about 1981. Friday night rock disco was a must and they had tons of great bands on. The Photo was taken in the year 2000 I think but it didn't look much different to back in the day. I hope it is still there.
Ps is there an IT wiz that can merge "Cavendish" "Cavendish House" and "Manchester Poly" items together

Latest Discussion

“I'm with you on that one Abdom;probably me fave place from my youth, with The Old Conti and a bit later Legends not far behind.It was more like a social thing really and often the bands were just part of the night's entertainment rather than it just being about them.Of many of the bands I know I saw there quite a few I don't really recall 'cos we'd be up the back near the bar area having the craic and often not paying that much attention to the bands.Well it was more about having a good night out really....The odd time you were skinters or couldn't get in you could get a couple of crates/ bins,stand in that entry where that red car's parked and watch through the window;not quite like being "at" the gig though.Before I ever started going there,round mid '77, older hippy types used to also call it The Art College,maybe 'cos skinning up was considered an art form.It's defo still there though and I think it's used by the council as an archive for old photos 'n that.”
12 Nov 2012
“You could also climb in through the window of the ladies toilet, provided you gave due warning !!”
21 Sep 2014
“I started going to the poly for the disco (not actually disco) night in mid '79 when I was 16 and never had a problem getting in. When a new police chief took over, Anderton, there was a crackdown on under aged people in clubs.
I turned 18 and going in there one night they asked for ID and age, I didn't have anything on me but I said 'You know me, I've been coming here for years' it didn't wash though. The security guy picked me up (I didn't weight that much) and threw me out onto the street. Very humiliating.”
13 Mar 2022
“Went there as a weekly pilgrimage every Friday. We called it The Arts College but it was really the Mcr Poly Union. Saw a number of great acts there close up and personal. I remember talking to Roy Woods sat at one end of the bar after his act and seeing the likes of Focus for 25p paid on the door. The routine was Jillys (the original on Gore Street) midweek, Arts College on Fridays, The University Students Union (Now the Academy) on Saturdays and UMIST on a Sunday. The Arts College was also famous for its sticky carpets, cheap bar and poor decor, you got what you paid for but the place was legend”
22 Feb 2025
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