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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 58 new artefacts, 17 new members, 5 new people and places.


Added 26th September 2012 by OT

Featured in the following Online Exhibitions:
City Fun: The Hidden History of Manchester's Favourite Fanzine


A Certain Ratio, Distractions, The Drones, V2, The Fall
St John's College Student Union
6th December 1978

Featuring: ACR, the Distractions, the Drones, V2, The Fall, Martin Hannett.
Contributors: Andy Zero, Martin X, J.C., N.R.H.
Offices: Student Union, St John's College, Lower Hardman Str, M/C3

The Fall, A Certain Ratio: Band On The Wall Tuesday 21st nov.
A Certain Ratio:- I was selling city fun and only heard the last few numbers in any case. Two guitars, a bass and vocals. All the guitars through fuzz/faze (whatever- those boxes that usually sit on the floor and have foot pedals on top) , plenty of distortion. A slow music; textures, layers, fading in and out. The riffing's fast or slow, it hardly matters, the vocals are slow- all fazed, fuzzed and melted together. Icouldn't hear the words. Over the few numbers I heard, a slow build. Several people talking but the last number holds more attention, catches more eyes and more ears. Reminiscent of Tangerine Dream, Klaus Shoulz (or however you spell it) and other purveyours of 'electronic music". It's all good fun. Now The Fall (my third attempt to write it up - write it down). They start with 'It's the New Thing'. Loose, easy, empathy, no pressure. 2nd or 3rd number and Mark Smith- the vocalist- at the back of the drum kit and Karl Burns (drummer) stood up while Mark fixes his drum stool. There was only a falter in the beat, there were no hoards of roadies.
The Fall tighten up...visibly...aurally. The Fall; relentless, rhythmic, intense. Pressure...builds. i think. Analyse...Drums and Bass- bass sound, low notes. Lead- treble sound, high notes, pick/riff. Piano electric low notes/high notes, bass treble varies. Voice- words flat monotone. Components. Rhythm- rhythmic, counterparts, cross rhythm different rhythm, non rhythm. rhythmic.... analysis, enough. The Fall,intense, relentless. one song. an introduction. the next song. It all merges- at this stage- i remember no titles. some songs are familiar. i remember no words. One of the intro ductions 'next on the rota for your evenings entertainment'. Relentless...rhythmic...intense. A song 'Nervous Systems' - i put my hands on my forehead, releive the pressure . 'Nervous Systems' - after this song not so many people clap. After this song comes a relative calm, a relative ease.
Some more songs. 'Bingo Masters Break Out', asong about the music scene. All the time my brain's provoked/stimulated to thought.
The drummer looks in agony while he's playing-jokes(laughs) between songs. Guitarist (Martin Bramah) face immobile adopts a stance. Vocalist impassive (inscrutable?). control. Keyboardist(Yvonne Paulette) concentrated. Bassist (Marc Riley) - impassive. Components The Fall. All the while one or two people dance - move - stand - a hand move a twist.more people dance. leap about. the end- many pople dance, leap, jump, move, ahand, twists.
(The Fall- continued)
An encore:- 'Stepping Out', 'Industrial Estate".
2nd encore:- 'Psycho Mafia' (The commercial one)
It was of course pretty full.
TheFall - 'Here and Now' dates- the free tour- coming up in scotland, and bolton, 4th Dec, and elsewhere(?). Also, an album being recorded soon for release on 'Step Forward'.
Andy Zero

Meanwhile(back at the Shedroomed 1950's semidetached council house)..... Mr and Mrs Statistic get their new child,known to the world as 'Clone Statistic'.

Hunt Sabatours benefit at the Venue. Thurs 23rd nov. Not many people there I saw'Bathroom'perform their two number set. 'Bathroom ; lead/vocals bass(vocals) and two women performing the part of dancing gils and back-up vocals. i clapped. i sold a few copies of city fun and left before The Knives and The Tunes (the evenings main entertainment).....raining....Kellys, RAR, 1/4full, Sister Ray (supporting Fast Cars) and they've got a vocalist-egoist-screams, yells throws his arms about. Do a couple of 'sub-punk' songs then it's a cross between dylan and the stones. i leave. The Russel. 11pm and it's fuller than i expect, several faces black and whit it feels ok. The Northern Scientific Freeform and Temperance song and dance troupe Cabaret. with Alan Wise (tall and bespectacleed) and Gordon the Moron (even taller and unbespectacled, the fool of the troupe) and Steve Hopkins (keyboards) and Jilteed John arranger and the Lee PatricK Band.
All on stage doing silly songs. Then theres a disco song. From what i can tell people wander on and off stage when they feel like it. The Lee Patrick Band stays on. Jazzy/Funky they sound all right. I talk, sell magazines etc, Easy atmosphere, activity, relaxed.
Andy Zero

A serious Question
Why did the Beatles write a song about being in love with a well-known singer in a Mancunion 'New Wave band? (P.S. I love you.)

Latest Discussion

“The perils of being at gigs selling copies of 'City Fun'; Andy Zero misses much of A Certain Ratio's set. Intriguing that he found a touch of Tangerine Dream in their sound, though.”
16 Nov 2012
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