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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 57 new artefacts, 12 new members, 4 new people and places.


Added 23rd September 2012 by Abigail

Featured in the following Online Exhibitions:
City Fun: The Hidden History of Manchester's Favourite Fanzine


A Certain Ratio, Distractions, The Drones, V2, The Fall
St John's College Student Union
6th December 1978

Featuring: ACR, the Distractions, the Drones, V2, The Fall, Martin Hannett.
Contributors: Andy Zero, Martin X, J.C., N.R.H.
Offices: Student Union, St John's College, Lower Hardman Str, M/C3

Hi there! This is the EDITORIAL.
Thanks to:- Andy, J.C., Martin, Neil, St. John's S.U., M.A.R.C., Eric's, Kelly's, Roger Eagle, The Factory, Russell Club, The Venue, Alan Alker, Mick Middles, A.H. Dial, Godzilla Jaqui, Mart, 100% Human, James (Don't call me Scarface) Anderton (Honest), T.V., Alex, Crystal Tipps and Alistair, Mark Sullivan and all our friends in M/ch and elsewhere.
To all the J.C. and N.R.H. fans, they'll be back next issue if they can think of anything to write about, and as for Daffy Duck, well!!
Anybody wanting to advertise in City Fun, rates are £10, full page, £5 half page. These rates apply to commercial enterprises (community groups and individuals FREE.
'CITY FUN' IS PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY 'CITY FUN'. WE WANT TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT EACH ARTICLE REPRESENTS THE VIEW OF THE WRITER, ONLY. If you want to contribute write to 'City Fun' care of St. John's College S.U., Lwr Hardman St. M/cr

Latest Discussion

“Does anyone know why when I click on any of Dave Hazlam's City Fun links I see nothing. Is it my computer or is something on the site not linked properly?
I would love to see these old City Funs again”
16 Nov 2012
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