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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 20 new artefacts, 24 new members, 11 new people and places.


Added 14th September 2012 by Pete H


Pete The Feat
Oldham Technical College

My good freind Alan on the left, myself on the right, another Oldham Dj Micky Robb was doing the other disco in the canteen.

Latest Discussion

“Got any Budgie mate..?”
17 Sep 2012
“Is that Alan Barton?”
24 Sep 2012
“Yes sheridan!”
25 Sep 2012
“Still got that copy of The WInker's Song by Ivor Biggun I let you have back in 78-79ish?”
21 Jan 2014
“Hi Pete

Hope you get this, Andy Cartridge here & trying to find some of the old crowd, or at least some info on them, we did a bit of roading for mick (fed & roberts) back in the days when you had the Bond Bug.

Happy days

All the best

12 Jan 2015
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