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Added 6th June 2012 by OT


Vibrant Thigh
Manchester Polytechnic Cavendish House
16th December 1980


Thanks to Alyn at

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“There was a run of good Tuesday night gigs at the poly (Art College/ Cavendish) around this time (Killing Joke/ Ski Patrol springs to mind).I'd pop in on my way home through town after tech and hang around during the sound checks till it filled up and the gig kicked off.;an inside view of the rock 'n roll lifestyle with the interminable amount of boredom and tedium that must have gone with it before the hour or two of mayhem and adulation....or ridicule, as the case may be.Mr. McClaren was swanning about looking like a used car salesman and their roadie was about as close to what I'd imagine a viking would look like.Built like a brick shithouse with two big plats and one big one down his back; bit like Asterix the Gaul's sidekick.It was a full on gig; ex Ants with a wee lass up front.The "Cassette Pet", as shown on the poster, was a novel idea but never caught on; a bit like their brill idea of releasing a one sided single and paying something like half price instead of having to pay for what were usually naff B sides.Again the idea never caught on.Not long after, they did a much bigger gig at the Students' Union with a boy called George on backing vocals.I heard some Bow Wow Wow stuff not so long back and forgot how good and unique they sounded, especially with the whole Burundi drumming thing going on & with those amazing melodic & frenetic basslines; pop music at its very best.Vibrant Thigh were/are(?) something of an ongoing project having morphed many times into notable M/c bands.”
09 Jun 2012
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