
Monro Stahr played Jabez Clegg twice and on both occasions, the sound was unusually good.
Several things of note occurred on this particular evening:
1) Moments after the band 'burst' on stage, they noticed a gap behind the keyboards where Rebecca Ward should have been stationed, all set to butcher the ivories. The singer promptly jumped off stage to locate her wayward sibling who, it transpired, was ensconced in the Blackburn Rovers match on the big screen downstairs.
2) Bass player Paul Fleury cut his hand, making it very painful for him to play, but carried on regardless. As always, his performance was rock solid, if a little frightening.
3) The guitarist, David Hancox, attempted to use one guitar to play another, as pictured.
Here is a review by Ged Camera who took the shot:
"Third time I've seen them, but the first time I've caught a complete Monro Stahr set & I liked it. Previous snippets of their energy & ability were pleasantly rewarded. From the opening "Atlas" it's a sort of stop-start arrangement with rhythms being established then changing part way through, as if they are stepping up a gear. With one on the most animated bassists around and a drummer seemingly putting out reggae tinged beats " Sweet Smell", "Your First Time" "Iron Will" are dispatched before a storming finale is reached with " Bravura". The sight of a guitarist trying to use a second guitar as a giant plectrum is a vision to behold"
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