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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 64 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Added 24th June 2011 by orangepeel


Marquis De Sade, Alien Tint, Security Force, Nu Tricx, Blackout, The Evicted

The Band Marquis De Sade out side our fave record shop in Stockport B&G Records on under bank. Our band Blackout had a practise room under B&G that was so damp my drums warped.

Latest Discussion

“Great upload!”
29 Jun 2011
“I know most of the people in this photo. I can make out Drac's Daughter, Leafy, Sid Septic, Dave Ellis and Locky. Anybody recognise any of the others?”
03 Sep 2011
“The above photo is of Stockport's original punks outside B&G Records in Underbank, opposite the Joke shop sometime in 1978. Pictured left to right are; Drac,s Daughter, Leify, Dave Jones, Macca, Sid Septic (Glynn), Dave Ellis, Brian, Dotty Epidermis (Keith) and John Lock (Locky). Other people probably present but not pictured might also have included Chris Gleaves (Eve Slag), Les Osmosis (Vic), Spenner, Alan Jones (Dave's brother), Andy, Caron, Eddie, Jim, Dave, Nick Cullen and Picker.

Dave Ellis and Leafy with Andy would form Stockport's first punk band The Evicted (a full two years before Dave and Andy formed the more glam-inspired Marquis De Sade). Locky would become Stockport's first skinhead and form Security Force, Manchester's first 'Skin' band.”
13 Oct 2012
“The guy with his hands in the air, 6th from the left is Bobby (Marchant) drummer of Alien Tint. Seeing a picture of Leafy is scary, even now, he used to hang around in the loos at gigs and demand £5 notes off young punks (V2 at Stockport Tech being an example). My mate told me that Locky is now a "Professor" somewhere at a University. Di Barlow, one time singer with Alien Tint works in the office at Hazel Grove Railway Station - a lovely lady”
19 Jul 2014
“@alterednatives:- Can't see Dave Jones or Macca (Angela McEvoy) in this picture.”
20 Jul 2014
“@alterednatives- Good post, but if i can just correct one thing,
It was Dave Ellis, Nick Cullen and Leafy with an old mate of Daves who formed the Evicted,Andy joined a bit later.
We were called the Brats at first until we became aware of an american band of the same name.
The Brats used to be spray painted on the bridge just down from the Manchester arms.
The name Evicted came about from us being thrown out of
so many rehearsal rooms.
Happy days.”
10 Jun 2022
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