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Added 30th May 2011 by dj


The Chameleons, Supajamma
Manchester Rugby Club

Odds and sods from this weekends Strummercamp at Mcr rugby club. Another brilliant fest featuring amongst others, local bands from Mcr independent label TNS [that's not skanking].As usual the community spirit was fantastic with everyone from 8 to 80 getting along just fine. Especially enjoyed Stand out Riot who filled the TNS stage last night and had the place rocking, Supajamma [feat' Martin Merchant ex Audiowed on vocals], Cpt Sensible with Paul Gray on bass playing some Damned, solo and Pink Floyd stuff, Chameleons who were so good Mark Burgess can be excused wearing his city top and the Selecter who closed the main stage last night in style [new two-tone single out today]. After that everyone piled into the rugby club bar for a bit of a late night jam. I'm feeling everyone of my 46 years tonight- looking forward to next year!

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