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Added 25th April 2011 by dubwise-er


Wild Honey

From City Life 11,May ’84.Article on Wild Honey with reference to Martin Hannett and his excitement at having the opportunity to produce them, at least according to them . Sounds like they were convinced they were destined for great things; quite an unusual presumption for a band.
Gorra luv those ‘80’s photo poses. There must have been a fly in the room .They’re up there with the ‘peeking through venetian blinds” pose in early videos.
Just had a dekko at the upload and it's bobbins. (Do people still say "dekko" and "bobbins"? Prob not....Think I might be trapped in some '70's time warp; it's quite nice though, especially this time of year....). Yeah, the thing seems too small to read. Cellar Vie.....

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