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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 58 new artefacts, 17 new members, 5 new people and places.


Added 12th March 2011 by dj


The Banshee

The Banshee Oxford Rd. Happy nights spent in here, start off in the Salisbury, if its packed stand outside and chat to the Irish lads congregating under the arches. Usually get them a drink in because the landlady wouldn't serve them and we felt sorry for them. When they got their beer they would always whip a jar of honey out of their pocket and pour it in. Quick pint upstairs in the Banshee and then downstairs to mingle. Snakebite, pool, crap food, good music, more women than men in the toilets..... left there one night and don't remember anything after taking my first step up the stairs. Woke up in an ambulance en route to MRI after headbutting Oxford Rd. Spent 3 hrs in a and e locked in with some right physchos before 3 stitches in my forehead and a needle in my arse.

Latest Discussion

“Before it was The Banshee it was Henry's, playing mainly !!ROCK!! but what was it before Henry's??? Can't remember and it's doing me napper in...anyone?”
14 Mar 2011
“Glad to see this photo here. I took it just before the the final night in 1992. I originally posted un in the facebook group.”
05 Jan 2017
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