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Added 4th March 2011 by dubwise-er


James, The Smiths
The Hacienda
24th November 1983

Not sure if this was The Smiths big night at The Hac. i.e. big crowd with James as support, but if it was it was mad packed ,with huge queues and not much prospect of getting in .So I did what any self respecting nippy little fella would do and legged it passed the bouncers and lost meself in the crowd;hadn't resorted to that for many a moon. James were ace,; a band wearing shorts ,with an Orange Juice influence and a certain Gibbo on guitar. Always liked them and preferred their early music to The Smiths...just found it interesting. First time I heard “Folklore” I thought it was brill!
Watching The Smiths this time was fraught with the possibilities of being trounced 'n flounced by a wayward daffodil or quite simply,being trampled underfoot.....
Looks like Dead or Alive were a no show, and,in the unfathomable acumen of the management, they saw fit to reduce the prices.Good, but perhaps ultimately not so....

Latest Discussion

“It was the big night as you say, the night they did TOTP with 'This Charming Man' and raced back on the train for the gig.”
04 Mar 2011
“Hi I'm making a doc. about the hacienda auction. All profits to Kidneys for life. Any chance I can use your pic of a flyer in the film?

30 May 2012
“Hi I'm making a doc. about the hacienda auction. All profits to Kidneys for life. Any chance I can use your pic of a flyer in the film?

30 May 2012
“Why aye man, good on ya.You definitely should!”
31 May 2012
“Many thanks
05 Jun 2012
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