Hac. What’s On for Feb ’83. Pretty impressive line up. The Fad Gadget one was a particular stand out. He’d done a P.A. type show at a Thursday night Legends at an earlier date but now this was showbiz time and he put on a pretty memorable show. It was quite theatrical, which is something I wouldn't normally go for but he was definitely a one off ,with plenty of leaping about, running through the crowd etc. culminating in him covering himself with pointy bits of shaving foam from an aerosol can before hanging upside down from the upstairs rails; don’t try it at home! I did try and copy his "pointy foam" look the following week but it had all blown off before I'd even reached the bus stop....... He was something of an electronic pioneer really .Always thought that “Back to Nature” was a great track. Sad loss of a talented young man.
Laurel and Hardy were like an English version of the likes of Michigan and Smiley from J.A. with a bit of a cockerney twist. They wore bowler hats, white gloves and were probably a bit of a reggae novelty act really.
Wonder what Divine was like; scary thought.....
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