
Hac. Newsletter No. 6 and seems to be the last one I have. From what was written in an earlier one it seems I must have , like all members, received it in the post. This one with Bernard Manning on the front, and he also gets a big up in issue 5; never was partial to the man meself. I think Ken Goodwin was more my cup of tea and of course the great Les Dawson, Collyhurst born and bred, who’s tinkling of the ivories was without compare. Mike Yarwood was another "local".
Actually my old man used to go to the recordings of “The Comedians” with Shep’s Banjo Boys providing the musical interlude; (are they on the list? probably not...). Also the recordings for Dave Alan, which was also at Granada.(Red Dwarf was also made in Manchester I think...). Then there’s the likes of Mike Harding, Bernard Wrigley and Bob Williamson, of a type of a folk comedian provincially prevalent around the mid “70s, (would like to add Jake Thakray but I think that would be pushing it); also the likes of The Haughton Weavers and The Spinners, and I seem to remember a character called William “Makepeace” Lund who was also “local” and on the telly....Thought I’d just mention these in passing as they are/ were affiliated to the the Manchester scene, albeit of the folk variety. Maybe they’re already on the list....?
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