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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 45 new artefacts, 33 new members, 5 new people and places.


Added 26th February 2011 by dubwise-er


The Hacienda

AbFab....Bubbles....”paper, paper’, and yet more paper; this time Hacienda newsletters. This one's (number 3), got some big rant about certain peeps objecting to the showing of “ A Clockwork Orange “ which was shown ad nauseum, ad infinitum on t’ big screens in the club, but never with the sound. Must have seen that film so many times but never really made sense as you’d just catch glimpses of it through a drunken haze and I didn’t see it in all it’s glory till many years later. God bless that old Xavarian Anthony Burgess; what an eloquent man he was. I recall him being interviewed at least once by Mr. Wilson (the old school tie being thicker than blood), and he had a fierce intelligence.
Well as far as I recall “A Clockwork Orange” (which makes good reading.. well easier than “Trainspotting “ anyway), really came from the concept of the brave, new world that evolved and accelerated in the post war boom. I believe the cultural reference point for this was particularly the demolition and rebuilding of the inner city Moss Side / Hulme areas starting in the early Sixties, and the fact that his wife had been attacked by American G.I. s during the war; I think that’s how the story went...
There’s also an article on the new, reduced admission prices! Where does that ever happen?? Goes someway to explaining how things eventually went awry...
There's also a bit of a playlist thing as well....oh joy!

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